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Krigsklosteret var et sted, helt fra begynnelsen av Unur, der alviske forfedre brukte å praktisere sin krigskunst. Så når du bygger det, vil dine tropper bli velsignet av arv og åndelig kraft fra klosteret og det betyr at de vil få en bonus som øker helsen deres! Det var også et sted der magikere samlet kulturell kunnskap, som betyr også at du vil arve litt ekstra kultur til din by!


For hver oppgradering vil du smi sammen relikvier som inneholder elementær kraft, sammen med bygningens fundament, og den åndelige kraften fra dine forfedre blir enda sterkere. Dette forsterker klosterets bonus enda mer.

  • Fordeler
  1. Aw hitpoints.png - Øker helsen til troppene dine i kamp
  2. Culture icon elves.png - Gir ekstra kultur til byen din
  • Runebiter Aw1 shards.png

Når du holder musepekeren over krigsklosteret, vil du få se informasjon om bygningens status og dens nåværende bonus.

MarcialMonastery tip.png

Oversikt for krigsklosteret

Informasjon for krigsklosteret
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Runes Shards Research Elixir Boost Magic Dust Bost Gems Boost Increase Troops Health Extra Culture
1 5X5 8h 15m 9 Revealed Runes - 750Elixir
2800Magic Dust
750Magic Dust
1680Magic Dust
1.6% 800
2 5X5 15h 25m - 179 Kpicon.png 4Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
2.9% 970
3 5X5 20h 18m - 250 Kpicon.png 6Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
6Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
6Gems Relics
3.9% 1150
4 5X5 23h 54m - 320 Kpicon.png 7Elixir Relics
3Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
7Magic Dust Relics
3Gems Relics
3Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
7Gems Relics
4.8% 1330
5 5X5 1d, 2h - 380 Kpicon.png 8Elixir Relics
3Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
8Magic Dust Relics
3Gems Relics
3Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
8Gems Relics
5.7% 1520
6 5X5 1d, 4h 9 Revealed Runes - 1830Elixir
6900Magic Dust
1830Magic Dust
4100Magic Dust
7.4% 1970
7 5X5 1d, 6h - 500 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
8.1% 2200
8 5X5 1d, 8h - 550 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
8.8% 2400
9 5X5 1d, 8h - 600 Kpicon.png 10Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
10Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
10Gems Relics
9.4% 2700
10 5X5 1d, 10h - 650 Kpicon.png 10Elixir Relics
5Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
10Magic Dust Relics
5Gems Relics
5Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
10Gems Relics
10% 2900

Nivåer for krigsklosteret

Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10
48 GreatBuild Inner Elves 01 cropped.png
48 GreatBuild Inner Elves 02 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.


Krystallfyrtårnet kunne engang sees langt borte, helt ifra den nordlige kysten av Unur. Det var et tegn på lys og håp - den tilliten alviske forfedre hadde til menneskeheten. Forskning av krystallfyrtårnet og forståelse av dens opphav vil tillate deg å bringe tilbake den gigantiske kilden av magi.


Mye av kunnskapen om krystallfyrtårnet gikk tapt i løpet av århundrene, men med hjelp fra kraften i naturen vil du være i stand til å gjenoppta kontakten med dine røtter og oppgradere krystallfyrtårnets lys trinnvis, dette tillater fyret å vise deg underverker som arbeider sammen!

  • Fordeler
  1. NHreward.png - Øker nabohjelpens belønninger – den vil gi deg ekstra av vilkårlige varer når du hjelper brorskapet og oppdagede naboer.
  2. NHlongrime.png - Øker varigheten til poleringseffekten på dine kulturelle bygninger.
  • Runebiter Aw2 shards.png

Dersom du holder musepekeren over krystallfyrtårnet vil du se informasjon om bygningens status og dens nåværende bonus.

Cristallight tip.png

Oversikt for krystallfyrtårnet

Informasjon for krystallfyrtårnet
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Runes Shards Research Elixir Boost Magic Dust Boost Gems Boost Neighborly Help Reward Longer Neighborly Help
1 6X4 8h 03m 9 Revealed Runes - 730Elixir
1640Magic Dust
730Magic Dust
2700Magic Dust
8 13%
2 6X4 15h 02m - 175 Kpicon.png 4Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
9 23%
3 6X4 19h 48m - 250 Kpicon.png 5Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
5Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
5Gems Relics
11 32%
4 6X4 23h 19m - 310 Kpicon.png 6Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
3Gems Relics
3Elixir Relics
6Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
3Magic Dust Relics
6Gems Relics
13 39%
5 6X4 1d, 2h - 380 Kpicon.png 7Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
3Gems Relics
3Elixir Relics
7Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
3Magic Dust Relics
7Gems Relics
14 46%
6 6X4 1d, 4h 9 Revealed Runes - 1790Elixir
4000Magic Dust
1790Magic Dust
6700Magic Dust
19 60%
7 6X4 1d, 6h - 490 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
21 66%
8 6X4 1d, 7h - 540 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
23 71%
9 6X4 1d, 8h - 590 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
25 77%
10 6X4 1d, 10h - 630 Kpicon.png 10Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
10Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
10Gems Relics
27 82%

Crystal Lighthouse Levels

Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10
47 Greatbuilding Elves Crystaltree 01 cropped.png
47 Greatbuilding Elves Innercity Crystaltree 06 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.

Human Ancient Wonders



The Sanctuary was mentioned even in the oldest books as an astonishing act of architecture and magic! It is a spiritual and cultural legacy of human mankind. This heritage of the forefathers will also heavily increase the moral of your troops in battle and the more relics you fuse into it, the more you will accumulate its sacred power.


With each upgrade you will be fusing the magic of the relics and the knowledge of the past with the building's foundation revealing the Sanctuary's full power and gradness!

  • Benefits
  1. Aw hitpoints.png - Increases the health of your troops when in battle
  2. Culture icon elves.png - Provides extra culture for your city
  • Rune Shards Aw1 shards.png

If you place your mouse over the Sanctuary you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as its current bonus.

Sanctuary tip.png

Sanctuary Overview

Sanctuary Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Runes Shards Research Elixir Boost Magic Dust Boost Gems Boost Increase Troops Health Extra Culture
1 5X5 8h 15m 9 Revealed Runes - 750Elixir
2800Magic Dust
750Magic Dust
1680Magic Dust
1.6% 800
2 5X5 15h 25m - 179 Kpicon.png 4Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
2.9% 970
3 5X5 20h 18m - 250 Kpicon.png 6Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
6Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
6Gems Relics
3.9% 1150
4 5X5 23h 54m - 320 Kpicon.png 7Elixir Relics
3Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
7Magic Dust Relics
3Gems Relics
3Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
7Gems Relics
4.8% 1330
5 5X5 1d, 2h - 380 Kpicon.png 8Elixir Relics
3Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
8Magic Dust Relics
3Gems Relics
3Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
8Gems Relics
5.7% 1520
6 5X5 1d, 4h 9 Revealed Runes - 1830Elixir
6900Magic Dust
1830Magic Dust
4100Magic Dust
7.4% 1970
7 5X5 1d, 6h - 500 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
8.1% 2200
8 5X5 1d, 8h - 550 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
8.8% 2400
9 5X5 1d, 8h - 600 Kpicon.png 10Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
10Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
10Gems Relics
9.4% 2700
10 5X5 1d, 10h - 650 Kpicon.png 10Elixir Relics
5Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
10Magic Dust Relics
5Gems Relics
5Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
10Gems Relics
10% 2900

Sanctuary Levels

Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10
48 greatbuilding humans innercity monastery 01.png
48 greatbuilding humans innercity monastery 02 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.

Great Bell Spire

The Spire was once created by Humans' fore-forefathers to form an alliance between the people of eastern Unur. It was both a warning and a symbol of friendship. Researching it and understanding its roots will allow you to bring back this Ancient Wonder and the meaning of working together!


A lot of knowledge about the Spire got lost during the centuries, but with the power of Elvenar and the magic of the Relics you will be able to upgrade it and again use it as a Symbol of Fellowship!

  • Benefits
  1. NHreward.png - Increases Neighborly Help Rewards - It will give you a certain amount of random goods when you help your fellows and discovered neighbors.
  2. NHlongrime.png - Increases the time of the polish effect on your cultural buildings.
  • Rune Shards Aw2 shards.png

If you place your mouse over the Great Bell Spire you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as its current bonus.

Greatbellspine tip.png

Great Bell Spire Overview

Great Bell Spire Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Runes Shards Research Elixir Boost Magic Dust Boost Gems Boost Neighborly Help Reward Longer Neighborly Help
1 6X4 8h 03m 9 Revealed Runes - 730Elixir
1640Magic Dust
730Magic Dust
2700Magic Dust
8 13%
2 6X4 15h 02m - 175 Kpicon.png 4Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
9 23%
3 6X4 19h 48m - 250 Kpicon.png 5Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
5Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
5Gems Relics
11 32%
4 6X4 23h 19m - 310 Kpicon.png 6Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
3Gems Relics
3Elixir Relics
6Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
3Magic Dust Relics
6Gems Relics
13 39%
5 6X4 1d, 2h - 380 Kpicon.png 7Elixir Relics
1Magic Dust Relics
3Gems Relics
3Elixir Relics
7Magic Dust Relics
1Gems Relics
1Elixir Relics
3Magic Dust Relics
7Gems Relics
14 46%
6 6X4 1d, 4h 9 Revealed Runes - 1790Elixir
4000Magic Dust
1790Magic Dust
6700Magic Dust
19 60%
7 6X4 1d, 6h - 490 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
21 66%
8 6X4 1d, 7h - 540 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
23 71%
9 6X4 1d, 8h - 590 Kpicon.png 9Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
9Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
9Gems Relics
25 77%
10 6X4 1d, 10h - 630 Kpicon.png 10Elixir Relics
2Magic Dust Relics
4Gems Relics
4Elixir Relics
10Magic Dust Relics
2Gems Relics
2Elixir Relics
4Magic Dust Relics
10Gems Relics
27 82%

Great Bell Spire Levels

Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10
47 Greatbuilding Humans Innercity Belltower 01 cropped.png
47 Greatbuilding Humans Innercity Belltower 06 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.

Dwarven Ancient Wonders


Dwarven Bulwark

In the Old World, the Bulwark was the biggest military building in Ragnarok - the Dwarven Capital of Haugur Mountain! It was built to withstand and resist any attack and to defuse any possible threat coming from anyone who wanted to antagonize the Dwarves. No enemy could ever destroy it and ironically, this building was still standing when the downfall of the dwarves was witnessed, brought about by their own greed.


With your help, Dwarves will rebuild the Bulwark in Elvenar! And with their knowledge and the power of the Relics you will be able to upgrade it to increase your Barracks’ Training Size. But Dwarves not only know how to swing a pickaxe, they also like to forge hammers and swords to smash their enemies. This will allow the Bulwark to produce units for your city, in order to protect you against thieves and bandits.

  • Benefits
  1. Extratroop.png - Produces units of your first type every 3 hours
  2. Add training cluster size.png - Increases the Barracks' Training Size.
  • Rune Shards B dwarfs aw1 shards.png

If you place your mouse over the Dwarven Bulwark you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as its current bonus.

DB AW.png

Dwarven Bulwark Overview

Dwarven Bulwark Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Runes Shards Research Marble Boost Steel Boost Planks Boost First Unit Tipe /3h Bigger Training Size
1 7X4 8h 52m 9 Revealed Runes - 5100Marble
9 8
2 7X4 16h 32m - 193 Kpicon.png 4Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
1Planks Relics
1Marble Relics
4Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
1Steel Relics
4Planks Relics
11 14
3 7X4 21h 47m - 270 Kpicon.png 6MarbleRelics
3Steel Relics
1Planks Relics
1Marble Relics
6Steel Relics
3Planks Relics
3Marble Relics
1Steel Relics
6Planks Relics
12 20
4 7X4 1d, 1h - 350 Kpicon.png 7Marble Relics
3Steel Relics
1Planks Relics
1Marble Relics
7Steel Relics
3Planks Relics
3Marble Relics
1Steel Relics
7Planks Relics
14 24
5 7X4 1d, 4h - 410 Kpicon.png 8Marble Relics
4Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
8Steel Relics
4Planks Relics
4Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
8Planks Relics
17 28
6 7X4 1d, 7h 9 Revealed Runes - 12400Marble
21 37
7 7X4 1d, 9h - 540 Kpicon.png 9Marble Relics
4Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
9Steel Relics
4Planks Relics
4Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
9Planks Relics
24 40
8 7X4 1d, 10h - 590 Kpicon.png 10MarbleRelics
5Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
10Steel Relics
5Planks Relics
5Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
10Planks Relics
26 44
9 7X4 1d, 12h - 650 Kpicon.png 10Marble Relics
5Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
10Steel Relics
5Planks Relics
5Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
10Planks Relics
29 47
10 7X4 1d, 13h - 700 Kpicon.png 11Marble Relics
5Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
11Steel Relics
5Planks Relics
5Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
11Planks Relics
32 50

Dwarven Bulwark Levels

Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10
D greatbuilding dwarves military 01 cropped.png
D greatbuilding dwarves military 02 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.

Mountain Halls

The old books and tales speak of the incomparable richness of the Dwarves of the Old World! The Throne Halls at Haugur Mountain were unmatched by others in their splendour and prosperity and it is said that King Fafnir himself ordered a Throne made of pure gold! No one who had ever entered the Throne Halls would again forget their oneiric glory and magnificence.


Thus the honor and greatness of the old days was gone with the downfall of Ragnarok. With your help, the Dwarves will build new Halls in Elvenar. Not only to give you glimpse of what they once were, but also to serve their deepest passion: Mining! Their passion will be your gain - with their mining and your powerful relics you will be able to upgrade this building, increase your manufactories' production boost, and maybe even bring your city to the old Dwarven glory and richness!

  • Benefits
  1. AWGoodboost.png - Increases the production boosts for your manufactories
  2. Populationadd.png - Provides additional population.
  • Rune Shards B dwarfs aw2 shards.png

If you place your mouse over the Mountain Halls you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as its current bonus.

MH AW.png

Mountain Halls Overview

Mountain Halls Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Runes Shards Research Marble Boost Steel Boost Planks Boost Increase Manufactories' Production Boosts Additional Population
1 3X8 8h 03m 9 Revealed Runes - 4600Marble
10% 410
2 3X8 15h 02m - 175 Kpicon.png 4Marble Relics
1Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
4Steel Relics
1Planks Relics
2Steel Relics
4Planks Relics
17% 80
3 3X8 19h 48m - 250 Kpicon.png 5MarbleRelics
1Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
5Steel Relics
1Planks Relics
1Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
5Planks Relics
24% 90
4 3X8 23h 19m - 310 Kpicon.png 6Marble Relics
1Steel Relics
3Planks Relics
3Marble Relics
6Steel Relics
1Planks Relics
1Marble Relics
3Steel Relics
6Planks Relics
28% 90
5 3X8 1d, 2h - 380 Kpicon.png 7Marble Relics
1Steel Relics
3Planks Relics
3Marble Relics
7Steel Relics
1Planks Relics
1Marble Relics
3Steel Relics
7Planks Relics
34% 100
6 3X8 1d, 4h 9 Revealed Runes - 11300Marble
44% 230
7 3X8 1d, 6h - 490 Kpicon.png 9Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
4Planks Relics
4Marble Relics
9Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
4Steel Relics
9Planks Relics
49% 110
8 3X8 1d, 7h - 540 Kpicon.png 9MarbleRelics
2Steel Relics
4Planks Relics
4Marble Relics
9Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
4Steel Relics
9Planks Relics
53% 110
9 3X8 1d, 8h - 590 Kpicon.png 9Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
4Planks Relics
4Marble Relics
9Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
4Steel Relics
9Planks Relics
56% 120
10 3X8 1d, 10h - 630 Kpicon.png 10Marble Relics
2Steel Relics
4Planks Relics
4Marble Relics
10Steel Relics
2Planks Relics
2Marble Relics
4Steel Relics
10Planks Relics
60% 130

Mountain Halls Levels

Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10
D greatbuilding dwarves goods 01 cropped.png
D greatbuilding dwarves goods 02.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.

Fairies Ancient Wonders


Prosperity Towers

The Prosperity Towers are of high importance to the Fairies as they represent a center of beauty, a blossom of nature that majestically rises from the Ancient World! The Towers were once the council core of the Lost Forest and are the highest symbol of the Fairies' administration.

By building them you will have access to the Fairies' administration's secrets and find a way to get more out of your Power of Production Spells! You will also be able to have additional supplies in your city as a benefit of the increased economy.


This Wonder's enclosed magic is highly powerful and by strengthening its foundation through the upgrades, you will make it stronger and more awesome, ensuring no one will ever forget the Queen Sidhe's name. By doing so, you will be rewarded with higher bonus for your city and the higher knowledge of the Fairies' administration!

  • Benefits
  1. Spell supply production boost 1 bonus.png - Increases the duration of your "Power of Provisions" Spells.
  2. Supply small.png - It produces additional supplies for your city every 3 hours. Those supplies are also affected by culture bonuses.
  • Rune Shards B fairies aw1 shards.png

If you hover your mouse over the Prosperity Towers you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as its current bonus.


Prosperity Towers Overview

Prosperity Towers Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Runes Shards Research Crystal Boost Scrolls Boost Silk Boost Spell Duration Supplies Production/3h
1 5X4 7h 15m 9 Revealed Runes - 2400Crystal
+1h 5000
2 5X4 13h 32m - 158 Knowledge Points 4Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
+1h 18m 6100
3 5X4 17h 49m - 220 Knowledge Points 5Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
5Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
5Silk Relics
+1h 34m 7000
4 5X4 20h 59m - 280 Knowledge Points 6Crystal Relics
3Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
6Scrolls Relics
3Silk Relics
3Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
6Silk Relics
+1h 47m 7900
5 5X4 23h 27m - 340 Knowledge Points 7Crystal Relics
3Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
7Scrolls Relics
3Silk Relics
3Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
7Silk Relics
+1h 59m 8600
6 5X4 1d, 4h 9 Revealed Runes - 5900Crystal
+2h 24m 10100
7 5X4 1d 3h - 440 Knowledge Points 8Crystal Relics
3Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
8Scrolls Relics
3Silk Relics
3Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
8Silk Relics
+2h 35m 10700
8 5X4 1d 4h - 480 Knowledge Points 8Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
8Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
4Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
8Silk Relics
+2h 45m 11300
9 5X4 1d 5h - 530 Knowledge Points 8Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
8Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
4Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
8Silk Relics
+2h 54m 11900
10 5X4 1d 6h - 570 Knowledge Points 9Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
9Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
4Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
9Silk Relics
+3h 3m 12400

Prosperity Towers Levels

Level 1 Level 2
F AncientWonder Supplies Inner L1 cropped.png
F AncientWonder Supplies Inner L2 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.

Blooming Trader Guild

The Blooming Trader Guild is the other great achievement of the Fairies, as it represents the pinnacle of trade business in the Old World. Although the Fairies liked to live in isolation, they were not completely segregated. They just didn't like to leave the forest and their hidden realms! So they had a giant bumblebee that traveled to distant lands and was in charge of expanding their blooming trade business.


Fairies loved growing buildings almost has much as they loved growing plants. So by upgrading the Trader Guild you will also be developing and increasing your trading abilities and bonuses.

  • Benefits
  1. Trader fee reduced.png - It reduces the trader's fee for non discovered players.
  2. Trader small.png - It improves the wholesaler Offers by increasing the amount of goods you will get.
  3. Portal production.png It increases the production boost from every portal in your city.
  • Rune Shards B fairies aw2 shards.png

If you hover your mouse over the Blooming Trader Guild you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as its current bonus.


Blooming Trader Guild Overview

Blooming Trader Guild Information
Level Requirements Costs Benefits
Level Size Construction Time Runes Shards Research Crystal Boost Scrolls Boost Silk Boost Trader's Fee Reduction Wholesaler Improvement Portal Production Boost
1 3X7 7h 27m 9 Revealed Runes - 2500Crystal
40% 25% 5%
2 3X7 13h 54m - 162 Knowledge Points 4Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
38% 31% 8%
3 3X7 18h 19m - 230 Knowledge Points 5Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
5Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
5Silk Relics
35% 36% 9%
4 3X7 21h 34m - 290 Knowledge Points 6Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
3Silk Relics
3Crystal Relics
6Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
3Scrolls Relics
6Silk Relics
35% 40% 10%
5 3X7 1d - 350 Knowledge Points 7Crystal Relics
1Scrolls Relics
3Silk Relics
3Crystal Relics
7Scrolls Relics
1Silk Relics
1Crystal Relics
3Scrolls Relics
7Silk Relics
33% 44% 12%
6 3X7 1d 2h 9 Revealed Runes - 6000Crystal
31% 51% 15%
7 3X7 1d 3h - 450 Knowledge Points 8Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
4Crystal Relics
8Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
8Silk Relics
30% 55% 15%
8 3X7 1d 5h - 500 Knowledge Points 8Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
4Crystal Relics
8Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
8Silk Relics
29% 57% 16%
9 3X7 1d 6h - 540 Knowledge Points 9Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
4Crystal Relics
9Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
9Silk Relics
28% 61% 17%
10 3X7 1d 7h - 590 Knowledge Points 9Crystal Relics
2Scrolls Relics
4Silk Relics
4Crystal Relics
9Scrolls Relics
2Silk Relics
2Crystal Relics
4Scrolls Relics
9Silk Relics
27% 63% 18%

Blooming Trader Guild Levels

Level 1 Level 2
F AncientWonder Trader InnerCity L1 cropped.png
F AncientWonder Trader InnerCity L2 cropped.png
Press on each building level to see a bigger image.