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Linje 4: Linje 4:



I ditt søk etter den glemte fortiden til dine forfedre, Elvenar, bestemmer du deg for å grave dypere... med den nye teknologien "Arkeologi". Uventet nok, det første du graver opp i byen din er et merkelig monument som synes å tørke ut bakken og skape sand rundt i området. Halflingene blir straks alarmert, fordi de har sett noe slikt før ... bare kort tid før de ble utryddet.
Det tar ikke lang tid før de første skapningene kommer ut av dette monumentet og introduserer seg som "Amuni": en meget høyt utviklet antikkkultur som tilber en kattlignende gud de kaller Bastet. De er kanskje like nær en gudlignende rase som Elvenar var, og dermed er de ganske overbevist om deres kultur og deres måte å håndtere ting på. Å se deg i stedet for Elvenar forsterker bare deres tro på at deres kultur dominerte til slutt. Denne typen arroganse fører dem også til å ignorere det faktum at deres livsstil og teknologi forårsaker alvorlige miljøproblemer.
In your search for the forgotten past of your ancestors, the Elvenar, you decide to dig deeper... with the new technology "Archaeology". Unexpectedly though, the first thing you will dig up in your city is a strange monument, which seems to dry out the ground and create sand all around its area. The Halflings are immediatelly alarmed, because they have seen something like this before... only shortly before they became extinct.
I utgangspunktet: Amuni bosatte seg på fruktbart land, konsumerte alt vannet til landet ble en ørken. Ingen liv kan trives på et grunnlag de legger en fot på. Amuni går videre til nytt, fortsatt fruktbart land, ved hjelp av sin kunnskap og makt til å forflytte og til og med utvise andre raser fra deres land. Dette fører til utryddelse av kulturer som er avhengige av defruktbare slettene, som Halflings, Fairies og dvergene ... vil dette også være din skjebne? Eller kan en kombinert innsats av kunnskap og tillit mellom Elvenas forskjellige kulturer overbevise Amuni om å lære å leve i harmoni med naturen?
It doesn't take long until the first creatures come out of this monument, introducing themselves as "the Amuni": a very highly developed ancient culture that worship a cat-like god they call Bastet. They are maybe as close to a god-like race as the Elvenar were, and thus they are quite convinced about their culture and their way of handling things. Seeing you instead of the Elvenar just reinforces their belief that their culture prevailed in the end. This kind of arrogance also leads them to ignore the fact that their lifestyle and technologies cause some serious environmental issues.
Basically: The Amuni settle on fertile land, consume all the water until the land becomes a desert. No life can prosper on a ground they set a foot on. The Amuni then move on to new, still fertile land, using their knowledge and power to displace and even expel other races from their land. This leads to the extinction of the cultures that depend on fertile plains, like the Halflings, the Fairies and the Dwarves... will this also be your fate? Or can a combined effort of knowledge and trust between all the different cultures of Elvenar convince the Amuni to learn how to live in harmony with nature?

Linje 16: Linje 17:

Denne gjeste rasen avslører en stor del av Elvenar bakgrunnshistorie og svarer på mange spørsmål om historien til dette landet. På slutten av deres destruktive reise kunne ikke Amuni heller finne fruktbart land for å bosette seg, så de bestemte seg for å ta en dyp slumring i sitt gigantiske monument som venter på at landet skal komme seg. Av de opprinnelige Elvenar-løpene overlevde bare Woodelves, beskyttet av sin sterke magiske kraft, den store tørken, skjult dypt i skogene, som ikke var attraktive steder for Amuni å bosette seg på. Andre løp som Sorcerer og Elementals er ikke opprinnelig fra Elvenar og kan betraktes som besøkende fra fjerne land eller til og med alternative dimensjoner. Etter århundrer med å gjenopprette, var landet endelig fruktbar nok igjen for at du kunne slå seg på ... og slik begynte spillernes reise.
This guest race reveals a big chunk of the Elvenar background story and answers many questions about the history of this land. At the end of their destructive journey, even the Amuni couldn't find fertile land anymore to settle on, so they decided to take a deep slumber in their giant monument waiting for the land to recover. Of the original Elvenar races, only the Woodelves, protected by their strong magic power, survived the big drought, hidden deep in the forests that were not attractive spots for the Amuni to settle on. Other races like the Sorcerers and the Elementals are not originally from Elvenar and can be regarded as visitors from distant lands or even alternate dimensions. After centuries of recovering, the land was finally fertile enough again for you to settle on... and this is how the player's journey started.

, med fortiden av landet mest avdekket, de resterende spørsmålene - Hva skjedde med Elvenar - og hvordan er menneskene og Elver relatert til dem? Er de virkelig deres forfedre?
Now, with the past of the land mostly uncovered, the remaining questions - What happened to the Elvenar - and how are the Humans and Elves related to them? Are they truly their direct ancestors?

====[[Fabrikker#Vare_Kategorier|Bevisste varer]]====
====[[Manufactories#Goods_Categories|Sentient Goods]]====
Bevisste varer kan produseres i dine fabrikker på nivå 24 og over. Deres produksjon vil erstatte alternativet 1 dag og 2 dag, alternativet 3t og 9t for original produktproduksjonen vil forbli.

Sentient Goods can be produced in your manufacturies of level 24 and above. Their production will substitute the 1 day and 2 day option, the 3h and 9h option for the original Goods  production will remain.


Din nye styrkede bevisste varer vil være din nåværende styrket lagde varer +1. Hvis du øker, vil du få en god følelse av velvære (silke), for krystall vil bli Arcane Blekk (Scrolls) og for Silke vil det være Obsidian (Krystall). Som med dine ferdige varer får du et løft i henhold til antall relikvier du har i butikken for den respektive goden. Bildet i Hovedhallen vil endres, ettersom du undersøker de sentiente varene.

Your new boosted Sentient Good will be your current boosted Crafted Good +1. If your boosted Crafted Good is Scrolls, your new boosted Sentient Good will be Velvet (Silk), for Crystal it will be Arcane Ink (Scrolls) and for Silk it will be Obsidian (Crystal). As with your Crafted Goods you will get a boost according to the number of relics you have in store for the respective good. The image in the Mainhall will change, as you research the sentient goods.

Linje 35: Linje 35:

Antall relikvier som trengs for å få et bestemt produksjonsforhøyelse, er det samme som for de ikke-bevisste varene, og finnes i [[Relics#Relics_Boost_Overview|'''Relics Overview''']]
The number of relics needed to get a certain Production boost is the same as for the non-sentient goods and can be found in the [[Relics#Relics_Boost_Overview|'''Relics Overview''']]

Bevisste varer kan bli handlet med mellom spillere. Grossisten tilbyr også de ikke-styrkede bevisste varer og handler dem for din økt bevisste varer. For å vise de bevisste varene på grossisten, må produksjonsforsterkningen for de respektive bevisstevarene undersøkes.
Sentient goods can be traded with other players. The Wholesaler also offers the non-boosted sentient goods and trades them for your boosted sentient good. To show the sentient goods on the Wholesaler, the Production Boost for the respective Sentient Goods must be researched.



{|align="center" cellpadding="1" width="100%"
{|align="center" cellpadding="1" width="100%"
|style="background-color:#af895f;"|'''Hint:''' Bevisste varer vil forfalle over natten med en hastighet på 10%. De vil ikke forsvinne, men vil bli redusert 1: 1 til ikke-bevisste normale varer.
|style="background-color:#af895f;"|'''Hint:''' Sentient Goods will decay overnight at a rate of 10%. They will not vanish, but will be reduced 1:1 to the non-sentient Basic Good.

Linje 52: Linje 52:

Et nytt krav vises med dette nye løp, Prestisje [[File: Prestige.png | 20px | Prestige]]. Prestisje fungerer som kultur og er nødvendig for å bygge eller oppgradere enkelte bygninger som Amuni Fabrikker.

Du får Prestisje fra Dunes tempel. [[Portal Monumenter | Portal Monumenter]] brukes til å øke tempelens Prestisje.
A new requirement appears with this new race, Prestige [[File:Prestige.png|20px|Prestige]]. Prestige works similar to culture and is needed to build or upgrade certain buildings like Amuni Manufactories.

You will get Prestige from the Temple of the Dunes. [[Portal Monuments|Portal Monuments]] are used to boost the Temple's Prestige.

====Amuni bygninger====
====Amuni Buildings====


Sideversjonen fra 27. feb. 2024 kl. 13:50

Mainhall overview.png Worker-hut.png Basic.png Streets.png Military.png Goods.png Culture.png AncientWonder.png Kapitler Expansion.png
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Det Elvenariske Magikersamfunnet














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Eksilets hevn


Musikkens kraft


Den Vallorianske legenden

Ch22 Flag.png

Dypets havner




In your search for the forgotten past of your ancestors, the Elvenar, you decide to dig deeper... with the new technology "Archaeology". Unexpectedly though, the first thing you will dig up in your city is a strange monument, which seems to dry out the ground and create sand all around its area. The Halflings are immediatelly alarmed, because they have seen something like this before... only shortly before they became extinct. It doesn't take long until the first creatures come out of this monument, introducing themselves as "the Amuni": a very highly developed ancient culture that worship a cat-like god they call Bastet. They are maybe as close to a god-like race as the Elvenar were, and thus they are quite convinced about their culture and their way of handling things. Seeing you instead of the Elvenar just reinforces their belief that their culture prevailed in the end. This kind of arrogance also leads them to ignore the fact that their lifestyle and technologies cause some serious environmental issues. Basically: The Amuni settle on fertile land, consume all the water until the land becomes a desert. No life can prosper on a ground they set a foot on. The Amuni then move on to new, still fertile land, using their knowledge and power to displace and even expel other races from their land. This leads to the extinction of the cultures that depend on fertile plains, like the Halflings, the Fairies and the Dwarves... will this also be your fate? Or can a combined effort of knowledge and trust between all the different cultures of Elvenar convince the Amuni to learn how to live in harmony with nature?

GR8 BackI.png

This guest race reveals a big chunk of the Elvenar background story and answers many questions about the history of this land. At the end of their destructive journey, even the Amuni couldn't find fertile land anymore to settle on, so they decided to take a deep slumber in their giant monument waiting for the land to recover. Of the original Elvenar races, only the Woodelves, protected by their strong magic power, survived the big drought, hidden deep in the forests that were not attractive spots for the Amuni to settle on. Other races like the Sorcerers and the Elementals are not originally from Elvenar and can be regarded as visitors from distant lands or even alternate dimensions. After centuries of recovering, the land was finally fertile enough again for you to settle on... and this is how the player's journey started.

Now, with the past of the land mostly uncovered, the remaining questions - What happened to the Elvenar - and how are the Humans and Elves related to them? Are they truly their direct ancestors?

Sentient Goods

Sentient Goods can be produced in your manufacturies of level 24 and above. Their production will substitute the 1 day and 2 day option, the 3h and 9h option for the original Goods production will remain.

AM SentientProdGood2.png

Your new boosted Sentient Good will be your current boosted Crafted Good +1. If your boosted Crafted Good is Scrolls, your new boosted Sentient Good will be Velvet (Silk), for Crystal it will be Arcane Ink (Scrolls) and for Silk it will be Obsidian (Crystal). As with your Crafted Goods you will get a boost according to the number of relics you have in store for the respective good. The image in the Mainhall will change, as you research the sentient goods.


The number of relics needed to get a certain Production boost is the same as for the non-sentient goods and can be found in the Relics Overview

Sentient goods can be traded with other players. The Wholesaler also offers the non-boosted sentient goods and trades them for your boosted sentient good. To show the sentient goods on the Wholesaler, the Production Boost for the respective Sentient Goods must be researched.

AM WholesaleSent.png

Hint: Sentient Goods will decay overnight at a rate of 10%. They will not vanish, but will be reduced 1:1 to the non-sentient Basic Good.



A new requirement appears with this new race, Prestige Prestige. Prestige works similar to culture and is needed to build or upgrade certain buildings like Amuni Manufactories.

You will get Prestige from the Temple of the Dunes. Portal Monuments are used to boost the Temple's Prestige.

Amuni Buildings

Amunienes bygningsoversikt
Portalsite gr8.png

Sandbankens tempel

Gr8 Monument.png


Gr8 production 1.png


Gr8 production 2.png
