Elvenarisk karneval 2021

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Elvenarisk karneval 2021

Forumann framesCarnival2021.png

With the winter coming to an end, the Spring Cultists and the Winter Shamans come together once more. The two groups work together once per year to secure the safe transition of the seasons, making sure creatures and living beings are cared for in times of change. This time, the Yetis are proving to be a big challenge. With large numbers, and many younglings, the journey to colder lands becomes hard and perilous. If only someone can mediate the troublesome relationship of the cultists and the shamans, and bring back the Everblossom Sleigh to carry the Yetis to safety.

Quests & Quest Milestones

The quest line consists of a story section and additional episodic quests, which start as soon as the story is completed. This means that you will be able to finish the first series of quests right away, while later quests have new additions released on a daily basis, allowing you to continue to play one additional event quest on each new event day.

Solving event quests also comes with additional benefits, as each completed quest brings you closer to reaching one of the Milestones which give you additional rewards simply for reaching them.

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Additionally, you can get more Candy through the Daily Elvarian Carnival Reward! Visit your city daily so that you can collect 50 Candies each day!

Event Menu

Throughout Elvarian Carnival you will have two Quest Lines to complete.

The first Quest Line is the sequential Quest, which will give you many tasks to complete during the Event. The second Quest Line is the Daily Episodic Quest, which will give you a specific task each day. Each quest will give you Candy Carnival19 candy.png as a reward. They are added to your event menu. With Candy you can open different Chests to win unique and precious Event Buildings! The Chests also contain Flags Carnival19 flag.png to unlock mighty Grand Prizes!

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By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to put the Candy you gathered to use:

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1 - Indicates the remaining time for the Event.

2 - Shows you the Daily Exclusive reward you can get from opening the Chests and for how long it will be available before it is gone.

3 - Shows you the amount of Candy Carnival19 candy.png you have collected and not yet spent.

4 - Allows you to buy Candy with Premium.

5 - Here you can see how many Flags you have collected and your progress to unlock the Grand Prizes.

6 - The next Grand Prize to be won by collecting the 20 Flags and Grand Prizes to follow.

7 - Carnival Dancers: As you collect Flags, the Dancers make their way across the scene following the Flags above them to the Grand Prize.

8 - Carnival Chests where you can spend your Candy to win a reward and obtain Flags Carnival19 flag.png. Shows how much Candy is needed and how many Flags you receive with each Chest.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the Carnival Event.


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Du starter hendelsen med 50 godis Carnival19 candy.png og hver hendelsesoppgave vil gi deg flere som en belønning for å fullføre gitte oppgaver. Og fra tid til annen, kan billetter bli funnet i byen din som du kan samle inn.

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Du kan deretter bruke godis for å åpne en av de forskjellige roterende kistene, som med avhengig av hvor heldig du er, også kan gi deg flere godis å bruke.

Husk at karnevalhendelsen kun varer i noen få uker, og senere vil du ikke kunne være i stand til å bruke dine godis for å få utrolige belønninger, så kast ikke bort tiden!

Roterende kister

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Du kan velge mellom 3 kister. Hver av dem gir deg en sjanse til å vinne den unike daglige eksklusive. Andre belønninger du kan vinne er eldgamle kunnskap, myntregn, forsyningsoverskudd, tidsreduksjoner, portalfortjenester, runebiter og flere godis. Det avhenger av hvor heldig du er! Ved å åpne kistene vil du også få flagg. Husk: hver kiste gir deg et ulikt antall flagg, så velg med omhu.

Når du har valgt en kiste, de vil rotere og gi deg et nytt utvalg av kister.

Sample Chests

Her er noen eksempel på hva du kan vinne og deres sjanser:

Carnival2021 sample rewards.png

Samle inn flagg

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Når du åpner en kiste vil du vinne flagg Carnival19 flag.png. Hver kiste vil øyeblikkelig gi deg en spesifikk mengde som indikert øverst på kisten.

Flagg tillater deg å åpne de utrolige store premiene! Hver av dem krever 20 flagg for å bli låst opp. NB: For å låse opp neste storpremie, du må først åpne den første.

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Etter å ha innsamlet en stor premie, vil du finne den i lageret dittInventory icon normal.pngunder fanen for tilkallelser.

Vennligst merk: Alle verdieffekter avhenger av hvilket kapittel du er i når bygninger legges til ditt lager

Danserenes framgang

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Når du åpner en kiste, får du flagg og danserne beveger seg mot de store premiene. Dette gir deg en oversikt over din fremgang mot den store premien.


Evolving Building

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In the Elvarian Carnival Event, you will be able to receive a new Evolving Building: the Everblossom Sleigh. This can be evolved with Carnival Artifacts through a total of 10 stages, increasing its power with each Evolution.

Everblossom Sleigh

It provides Population, Coins, Seeds and Regular Basic Goods depending on your Chapter. As the building evolves, it will produce additional Resources such as Ancient Knowledge Instants.

For more information on Evolving Buildings go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Grand Prizes & Daily Prizes

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Each day you will have a the chance to win a Daily Exclusive prize and also fantastic Grand Prizes.

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This time, Grand Prizes include the essential Carnival Artifact that evolves the Everblossom Sleigh to the next level. See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.

But that's not all, as there are more awesome prizes, including Knowledge Points, Ancient Knowledge, Coin Rain Instants, Rune Shards, Unit Instants and much more!

Each day you will have a the chance to win a Daily Exclusive prize, including some brand-new Carnival Buildings, but the main goal is to reach the fantastic new Grand Prizes.

Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.

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