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Hvis du plasserer bygninger som tilhører samme bygningssett rett ved siden av hverandre, vil du få visse ekstra bonuser fordi disse bygningene har en "sett"-byggferdighet. Når en bygning med settbonus plasseres rett ved siden av en annen (unik) bygning fra det spesifikke settet, utløser det en bonus.  
Hvis du plasserer bygninger som tilhører samme bygningssett rett ved siden av hverandre, vil du få visse ekstra bonuser fordi disse bygningene har en "sett"-byggferdighet. Når en bygning med settbonus plasseres rett ved siden av en annen (unik) bygning fra det spesifikke settet, utløser det en bonus.  

La oss for eksempel ta en nærmere titt på Ice Mountain Troll Set Building fra Winter Set:
La oss for eksempel ta en nærmere titt på Isfjelltroll fra vintersettet:


If you hover over the Building you will have a tooltip to explain what bonuses it can grant you if you place another special Set Building from Winter Set:
Hvis du holder musepekeren over bygningen, får du opp et verktøytips som forklarer hvilke bonuser den kan gi deg hvis du plasserer en annen spesialsettbygning fra Vintersett:


As you can see, Ice Mountain Troll comes with the special Set Bonus. When it is adjacent to other buildings belonging to the Winter Event Set, it will triggers special bonuses.
Som du kan se, kommer Isfjelltroll med den spesielle settbonusen. Når det ligger ved siden av andre bygninger som tilhører vintereventsettet, vil det utløse spesielle bonuser.

Ice Mountain Troll normally produces only coins, but when it's placed right next to other buildings from the Winter Event Set it will:  
Isfjelltrollet produserer vanligvis bare mynter, men når det plasseres rett ved siden av andre bygninger fra settet, vil det gjøre det:  
# Produce additional supplies (when touching at least one other unique building).
# Produser ekstra forsyninger (når du berører minst én annen unik bygning).
# Produce additional coins (when touching at least two unique buildings).
# Produser ekstra mynter (når du berører minst to unike bygninger).
# Produce additional Knowledge Points (when touching at least three unique buildings).
# Produser ekstra kunnskapspoeng (når du berører minst tre unike bygninger).

The bonuses add up, so when touching two other buildings, you get bonus for both 1 and 2. Detailed amounts will be shown in tooltips, when hovering over the new buildings.
Bonusene legges sammen, så når du berører to andre bygninger, får du bonus for både 1 og 2. Detaljerte beløp vises i verktøytips når du holder musepekeren over de nye bygningene. Når du har en av de spesielle settbygningene i beholdningen din, kan du forhåndsvise all informasjon om settet før du plasserer det i byen din. Når du finner den ønskede settbygningen, klikker du på [[File:Info-icon.png]]-knappen for å få tilgang til all informasjon om det aktuelle bygningssettet.
When you have one of the Special Set Buildings in your Inventory, you can preview all the information about the Set before placing it in your city. When you find the desired Set Building, click on the [[File:Info-icon.png]] button to access all the information about the Building Set in question.


As you can see, an overview of the entire Set is presented to you. To be able to quickly identify which buildings are in the whole Set and if you have them, there are some icons on every building to help you do this.
Som du kan se, får du en oversikt over hele settet. For at du raskt skal kunne identifisere hvilke bygninger som finnes i hele settet, og om du har dem, er det noen ikoner på hver bygning som hjelper deg med dette.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|[[File:Set_Building_Info_Inactive.png]]||The Set Building is neither in your City nor in your Inventory.
|[[File:Set_Building_Info_Inactive.png]]||Settbygningen er verken i byen din eller i inventaret ditt.
|[[File:Set_Building_Info_Active.png]]||The Set Building is in your Inventory but not in your City.
|[[File:Set_Building_Info_Active.png]]||Settbygningen er i inventaret ditt, men ikke i byen din.
|[[File:Set_Building_Info_Active_Placed.png]]||The Set Building is placed in your City.
|[[File:Set_Building_Info_Active_Placed.png]]||Settbygningen plasseres i byen din.
===Set Buildings connection to Main Hall===
===Set Buildings connection to Main Hall===
Any building of a set can serve as a Portal/Connector for the other buildings that are part of the same set. Connect it to the Main Hall with a street and place your Set Buildings adjacent to it. All Set Buildings will then have a street connection.
Any building of a set can serve as a Portal/Connector for the other buildings that are part of the same set. Connect it to the Main Hall with a street and place your Set Buildings adjacent to it. All Set Buildings will then have a street connection.

Sideversjonen fra 27. nov. 2024 kl. 18:18



Et bygningssett består av et visst antall bygninger. Du kan vinne dem under eventer og andre spesialfunksjoner. En unik settbygning kan bare tilhøre ett bygningssett. Plasser dem ved siden av hverandre for å låse opp deres sanne potensial! Jo flere unike Set Buildings du plasserer ved siden av hverandre, desto høyere blir bonusen deres!

Building Set Bonus.png

Som nevnt ovenfor kan bare bygninger fra samme sett plasseres ved siden av hverandre for å fungere sammen og gi de kombinerte fordelene. For eksempel er de fire nye settbygningene som er en del av Vintersettet 2017, identifisert med en Vintersett-indikator Winterset1.png. Denne informasjonen vises i verktøytips når du holder musepekeren over bygningene. Når minst to settbygninger er plassert ved siden av hverandre, utheves vintersett-indikatoren Winterset2.png.


Hvis du plasserer bygninger som tilhører samme bygningssett rett ved siden av hverandre, vil du få visse ekstra bonuser fordi disse bygningene har en "sett"-byggferdighet. Når en bygning med settbonus plasseres rett ved siden av en annen (unik) bygning fra det spesifikke settet, utløser det en bonus.

La oss for eksempel ta en nærmere titt på Isfjelltroll fra vintersettet:


Hvis du holder musepekeren over bygningen, får du opp et verktøytips som forklarer hvilke bonuser den kan gi deg hvis du plasserer en annen spesialsettbygning fra Vintersett:

IMT 0bonus.png

Som du kan se, kommer Isfjelltroll med den spesielle settbonusen. Når det ligger ved siden av andre bygninger som tilhører vintereventsettet, vil det utløse spesielle bonuser.

Isfjelltrollet produserer vanligvis bare mynter, men når det plasseres rett ved siden av andre bygninger fra settet, vil det gjøre det:

  1. Produser ekstra forsyninger (når du berører minst én annen unik bygning).
IMT 1bonus.PNG
  1. Produser ekstra mynter (når du berører minst to unike bygninger).
IMT 2bonus.PNG
  1. Produser ekstra kunnskapspoeng (når du berører minst tre unike bygninger).
IMT 3bonus.PNG

Bonusene legges sammen, så når du berører to andre bygninger, får du bonus for både 1 og 2. Detaljerte beløp vises i verktøytips når du holder musepekeren over de nye bygningene. Når du har en av de spesielle settbygningene i beholdningen din, kan du forhåndsvise all informasjon om settet før du plasserer det i byen din. Når du finner den ønskede settbygningen, klikker du på Info-icon.png-knappen for å få tilgang til all informasjon om det aktuelle bygningssettet.

Building Set Explain.png

Som du kan se, får du en oversikt over hele settet. For at du raskt skal kunne identifisere hvilke bygninger som finnes i hele settet, og om du har dem, er det noen ikoner på hver bygning som hjelper deg med dette.

Set Building Info Inactive.png Settbygningen er verken i byen din eller i inventaret ditt.
Set Building Info Active.png Settbygningen er i inventaret ditt, men ikke i byen din.
Set Building Info Active Placed.png Settbygningen plasseres i byen din.

Set Buildings connection to Main Hall

Any building of a set can serve as a Portal/Connector for the other buildings that are part of the same set. Connect it to the Main Hall with a street and place your Set Buildings adjacent to it. All Set Buildings will then have a street connection.

  • One Set Building needs to be connected to a street.
  • The connected Set Building can serve as a street connector to all adjacent buildings of that set.

Set Buildings connection examples below:


Building Sets Overview

Event Building Sets

A Building Set is composed of a certain number of buildings. Any unique Set Building can only belong to one Building Set. Build them right next to each other to unlock their true potential! The more unique Set Buildings you build next to each other, the higher their bonus will be! To view a bigger image, click on the building picture.

Three Glaciet Giants
Winter Set
Winter Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Ice Mountain Troll 5x4 Coins Supplies ----- Coins ----- Knowledge Point
Orc Vortex 2x4 Supplies or Orcs Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies

Orcs ----- Orcs ----- Orcs

Giants Hand 4x3 Basic Goods Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods
Frozen Fountain 2x3 Supplies or Mana Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies

Precious Goods ----- Precious Goods ----- Precious Goods
Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana

The Phoenix Cult
Phoenix Cult Set
Phoenix Cult Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Cultist's Plaza 2x3 Basic Goods Marble ----- Steel ----- Planks ----- Basic Goods
Phoenix Worship 3x5 Crafted Goods Crystal ----- Scrolls ----- Silk ---- Knowledge Point
Temple of Phoenix 5x3 Magical Goods Elixir ----- Magic Dust ----- Gems ---- Broken Shard Production
Phoenix Pavillon 2x3 Supplies Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies ---- Supplies
Phoenix Lighthouse 2x2 Coins Coins ----- Coins ----- Coins ---- Coins

Woodelvenstock Set
Woodelvenstock Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
IVIP Lounge 2x2 Population and Coins Coins ---- Coins ---- Supplies ----- Supplies
Lindworm Area 3x1 Magical Goods
or Mana
Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods -----Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods
or Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana ---- Mana
Main Stage 3x4 Population and Supplies
or Magical Goods
or Mana
or Divine Seeds
Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Knowledge Points
or Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Points
or Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana ----- Knowledge Points
or Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds ----- Knowledge Points
Mosh Pit 2x3 Population and Magical Goods Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ---- Magical Goods
Dancing Ground 3x3 Magical Goods Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ---- Magical Goods

Harvest Festival
Harvest Temple Set
Harvest Temple Set
Harvest Temple Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Sun Temple Complex 2x6 Population and Coins Coins ---- Coins ---- Coins ----- Coins
Moon Temple Complex 2x6 Population and Supplies Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies
Temple Entrance 3x1 Basic Goods Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Broken Shard
Cornucopia Sanctuary 3x3 Population and Basic Goods Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Knowledge Point
Harvest Storage 3x2 Basic Goods Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Basic Goods ----- Broken Shard
Shrines of Sun and Moon Set
Shrines of Sun and Moon Set
Shrines Sun Moon Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Kirit, Weasel God of Night Fruit 5x3 Population and Crafted Goods Crafted Goods -----Crafted Goods ----- Knowledge Point
Krarak, Bird God of Sun Harvest 4x4 Population and Magical Goods Magical Goods -----Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Point
Shrine of Kirit 1x1 Supplies
or Magical Goods
or Mana
Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies
or Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods
or Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana
Shrine of Krarak 1x1 Supplies
or Magical Goods
or Divine Seeds
Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies
or Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods
or Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds

Winter Magic 2018
Winter Market Set
Winter Market Set
Winter Market Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Market Stalls 2x3 Culture and Basic Goods Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods
Winter Fair 2x4 Culture and Crafted Goods Crafted Goods ----- Crafted Goods
Elvenade Booth 3x2 Culture and Supplies Supplies ----- Coins ----- Supplies
Sled Carousel 3x3 Culture and Magical Goods Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Broken Shard
Frost Carved Christmas Tree 3x6 Culture and Supplies Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Knowledge Point ----- Knowledge Point
or Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Point ----- Knowledge Point
or Mana ----- Mana ----- Knowledge Point ----- Knowledge Point

Snow Owls Set
Snow Owls Set
Snow Owls Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Clocktower Owls 2x4 Population and Culture and Coins Coins ----- Knowledge Point
Stable of the Snow Owl 5x2 Population and Culture and Supplies
or Magical Goods
or Mana
Supplies ----- Knowledge Point
or Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Point
or Mana ----- Knowledge Point
Yeti Santas Christmas Factory 3x4 Population and Culture and Supplies
or Magical Goods
or Mana
or Divine Seeds
Supplies ----- Knowledge Point
or Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Point
or Mana ----- Knowledge Point
or Divine Seeds ----- Knowledge Point

Robert Redbeard
Redbeard Set
Redbeard Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Redbeard´s Armchair 3x2 Culture and Refined Goods Refined Goods
Redbeard´s Kitchen 3x3 Befolkning and Culture and Divine Seeds Divine Seeds
Carnival Building Set
Carnival Building Set
Carnival Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Jesters Tavern 4x4 Kultur + Elixir Magic Dust ---- Gems ----- Kunnskapspoeng
Marching Band 4x2 Kultur + Divine Seeds Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds
Revelers Fountain 3x3 Kultur + Mana Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana ----- Mana
Banquet 5x3 Kultur + Forsyninger Forsyninger ----- Broken Shards ----- Kunnskapspoeng
Festive Fireworks 2x3 Kultur + Coins Coins ----- Coins

Air Traders' Voyage
Air Traders' Voyage Set
Air Traders Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Main Docks 4x3 Culture and Crafted Goods Crafted Goods ---- Crafted Goods ---- Knowledge Point ---- Knowledge Point
Food Stand 3x3 Culture and Coins Coins ----- Coins ---- Coins
Harbor Market 3x3 Culture and Supplies Supplies ----- Supplies ----- Supplies
Repair Dock 2x3 Culture and Crafted Goods Crafted Goods ----- Crafted Goods
Trading Dock 2x3 Culture and Crafted Goods Crafted Goods ---- Crafted Goods

Sorcerers' Homecoming
Pilgrim's Manor
Pilgrims Manor Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Pilgrim's Manor 3x2 Culture and Population Supplies or Basic Goods or Crafted Goods or Magical Goods or Mana
1 Basic Relics ---- 1 Handcrafted Relics ---- 1 Magical Relics ---- 1 Combining Catalyst
Pilgrim's Woodworks 4x2 Culture and Population Planks ----- Planks
Pilgrim's Stone Mason 2x4 Culture and Population Marble ----- Marble
Pilgrim's Plaza 2x2 Culture Supplies or Basic Goods or Crafted Goods or Magical Goods or Mana
Pilgrim's Forge 3x2 Culture and Population Steel ---- Steel
Pilgrim's Manor Tree Entrance 4x1 Culture and Population -
Pilgrim's Manor Fountain Entrance 4x1 Culture and Population -

Forbidden Ruins
Forbidden Ruins
Forbidden Ruins Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Forbidden Ruins 3x4 Culture and Supplies
or Basic Goods
or 30pxRefined Goods
or Precious Goods
or Mana
Supplies ---- Supplies ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst

or Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst
or Refined Goods ---- Refined Goods ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst
or Precious Goods ---- Precious Goods ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst
or Mana ---- Mana ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Combining Catalyst

Mystical Dreams 3x2 Culture and Population and Elixir Elixir ---- Elixir
Enchanted Crops 3x2 Culture and Population and Magic Dust Magic Dust ---- Magic Dust
Magic Dragon Tamer 4x2 Culture and Population and Gems Gems ---- Gems ---- Gems
Sorcerers Feast 3x2 Culture and Supplies
or Basic Goods
or 30pxRefined Goods
or Precious Goods
or Mana
Supplies ---- Supplies

or Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods
or Refined Goods ---- Refined Goods
or Precious Goods ---- Precious Goods
or Mana ---- Mana

Secluded Pond 1x4 Culture and Population

A Gateway into the Past
Dwarven Citadel
Dwarven Citadel Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Temple of the Sun and Moon 4x3 Culture and Population Supplies ---- Supplies ---- Supplies
Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods
Refined Goods ---- Refined Goods ---- Refined Goods
Precious Goods ---- Precious Goods ---- Precious Goods
Orcs ---- Orcs ---- Orcs
Production Benefits
Supplies or Basic Goods or Refined Goods or Precious Goods or Orcs
Caves of Dusk 3x3 Culture and Population Steel ---- Steel ---- Barrack's Heavy Ranged units / Barrack's Heavy Ranged units
Platinum ---- Platinum ---- Barrack's Heavy Ranged units / Barrack's Heavy Ranged units
Production Benefits
Supplies or Steel or Platinum
Gates of Dawn 3x2 Culture and Population Planks ---- Planks ---- Barracks Heavy Melee
Elven Tree Gum ---- Elven Tree Gum ---- Barracks Heavy Melee
Production Benefits
Supplies or Planks or Elven Tree Gum
Gaming Lounge 3x1 Culture and Population Marble ---- Marble
Moonstone ---- Moonstone
Production Benefits
Supplies or Marble or Moonstone
Moon Vendor 2x3 Culture and Population Supplies ---- Supplies ---- Supplies ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Vitality Surge.png 5%
Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Vitality Surge.png 5%
Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Vitality Surge.png 5%
Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- Basic Goods ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Vitality Surge.png 5%
Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Vitality Surge.png 5%
Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- 1 Knowledge Points ---- 1 Vitality Surge.png 5%
Production Benefits
Supplies or Basic Goods or Basic Goods
Basic Goods or Mana or Divine Seeds
Golden Wish 2x2 Culture and Population Vallorian Guard ---- Vallorian Guard
Production Benefits
Vallorian Guard
Memorial of the Savior 2x1 Culture -
Production Benefits

The Great Excavation
Ancient Promise
Ancient Promise Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Unearthed History 1x6 Culture and Population and Refined Sentient Goods Refined Sentient Goods ---- Refined Sentient Goods
Production Benefits
Refined Sentient Goods
Endless Pit 2x3 Culture and Population and Refined Sentient Goods Refined Sentient Goods ---- Refined Sentient Goods
Production Benefits
Refined Sentient Goods
Artifacts of Yore 2x3 Culture and Population and Refined Sentient Goods Refined Sentient Goods ---- Refined Sentient Goods
Production Benefits
Refined Sentient Goods
Heart of Asim 3x3 Culture and Population and Divine Seeds and Ancient Knowledge Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- Ancient Knowledge
Production Benefits
Divine Seeds and Ancient Knowledge
Gift of Ashni 3x3 Culture and Population and Poison Dryad and Knowledge Points Poison Dryad ---- Poison Dryad ---- Knowledge Points
Production Benefits
Poison Dryad and Knowledge Points

Aqua Splendor
Seapectecular Aquatics
Seapectecular Aquatics Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Bootleggers 1x1 Culture Orcs ---- Orcs ---- Orcs
Production Benefits
Hypnojelly 1x1 Culture Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana
Production Benefits
Wavecrest Barrier 1x2 Culture Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds
Production Benefits
Divine Seeds
Sirens Ballet 3x3 Culture and Population Vallorian Guard ---- Vallorian Guard ---- Vallorian Guard ---- 1 Knowledge Points
Production Benefits
Vallorian Guard
Skyfin Rodeo 3x4 Culture and Population Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods ---- 1 Knowledge Points
Production Benefits
Refined Ascended Goods
Windchasers Finale 3x4 Culture and Population Supplies ---- Coins ---- Coins ---- 1 Knowledge Points
Production Benefits
Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Whispers of the Soul
Soul Experiments
Halloween2023 BuildingSet.png
Building Size Standard
Evolving Building Stage Evolving Benefits Set Bonus
Soul Lab 4x4 Culture and Population
1 Orcs Orcs ---- Orcs ---- Orcs ---- Orcs
2 Refined Ascended Goods Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods ---- Refined Ascended Goods
3 Banshee Banshee ---- Banshee ---- Banshee ---- Banshee
5 Knowledge Points Knowledge Points ---- Knowledge Points ---- Knowledge Points ---- Knowledge Points
Please note: You can only produce one of these resources at a time, as this Evolving Building has a switchable production.
Endurance Trials 2x3 Culture + Population + Cerberus Cerberus ---- Cerberus
Lanterns of Contemplation 2x3 Culture + Population + Divine Seeds Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds
Mirthful Spirit 2x1 Culture + Population + Mana Mana ---- Mana
Spooky Tag Game 2x1 Culture + Population + MortarsorGolems MortarsorGolems ---- MortarsorGolems
Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Buzzing Spring
Golden Hive
Shuffle Garden2024 Building Set Banner.png
Building Size Standard Benefits Set Bonus
The High Hive 3x3 Kultur + Befolkning + Divine Seeds Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds ---- Formelfragmenter ---- Formelfragmenter ---- Vitality Surge.png 10%
Pupa Nest 2x2 Kultur + Befolkning + Wonder Wax Wonder Wax ---- Wonder Wax
Pollen Pantry 2x2 Kultur + Befolkning + Ethereal Aerosols Ethereal Aerosols ---- Ethereal Aerosols
Sentry Post 1x3 Kultur + Mercenary Camp Mage units Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units ---- Mercenary Camp Mage units
Fiddlin’ Foliage 2x2 Kultur + Befolkning + Finest Flying Powder Finest Flying Powder ---- Finest Flying Powder
The Gilded Jar 2x2 Kultur + Befolkning + Training Grounds Light Ranged Units Training Grounds Light Ranged Units ---- Training Grounds Light Ranged Units
Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Marine Marvels
Hoarder's Set
Aquatic2024 Expiring B Set.png
Building Size Standard Benefits Set Bonus Expiring Time
Tidal Hoarder 3x2 Kultur + Formelfragmenter Formelfragmenter ---- Formelfragmenter ---- 1 Kombinasjonskatalysatorer ---- 2 Kombinasjonskatalysatorer ---- 1 Royal restaurering 45 days
Opaline Shell 1x1 Kultur Additional Melee Units Damage 45 days
Azure Shard 1x1 Kultur Additional Ranged Units Damage 45 days
Sunset Kelp 1x1 Kultur Basic Goods Boost 5% 45 days
Abyssal Pearls 1x1 Kultur Refined Goods Boost 5% 45 days
Neptunes Trove 1x1 Kultur Precious Goods Boost 5% 45 days
Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Winter Magic 2024
The Winter's Stage
Wmagic2024 Evo B Set.png
Building Size Standard
Evolving Building Stage Evolving Benefits Set Bonus
The Act of Giving 3x4 Kultur and Befolkning
1 Basic Standard Goods Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods
Mana Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana
2 Basic Standard Goods Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods
Mana Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana
3 Basic Standard Goods Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods
Mana Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana
Barracks Light Melee Units Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units
4 Basic Standard Goods Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods
Mana Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana
Barracks Light Melee Units Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units
5 Basic Standard Goods Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods ---- Basic Standard Goods
Mana Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana ---- Mana
Barracks Light Melee Units Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units ---- Barracks Light Melee Units
Formelfragmenter Formelfragmenter ---- Formelfragmenter ---- Formelfragmenter ---- Formelfragmenter
Please note: You can only produce one of these resources at a time, as this Evolving Building has a switchable production.
A Frosty Fugue 2x2 Culture + Population + Divine Seeds Divine Seeds ---- Divine Seeds
Frostbeards Monologue 3x2 Culture + Population + Banshee Banshee ---- Banshee ---- Banshee
Revelers Banquet 2x4 Culture + Population + Coins Coins ---- Coins ---- Coins
The Cold Corner 5x1 Culture + Population + Forsyninger Forsyninger ---- Forsyninger
Please note: Resources depend on the Chapter you are currently in, if the described resource is not yet available, you will receive another resource instead.

Crafting Building Sets

Magical Chess Set
Magical Chess Set
Magical Chess Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Golden King 2x3 Culture and Supplies
or Magical Goods
or Mana
Supplies ---- Supplies ----- Knowledge Points

Magical Goods ---- Magical Goods ----- Knowledge Points
or Mana ---- Mana ----- Knowledge Points

Solar Rook 1x4 Culture and Coins Coins ----- Supplies
Flame Knight 1x3 Culture and Supplies
or Magical Goods
or Mana
or Divine Seeds
Supplies ----- Supplies
or Magical Goods ----- Magical Goods
or Mana ----- Mana
or Divine Seeds ----- Divine Seeds
Tome Bishop 3x1 Culture and Supplies Supplies ----- Coins ----- Coins

Spire of Eternity Building Sets

Moonstone Library Set
Moonstone Library Set
Moonstone Library Set Banner.png
Building Size Benefits Set Bonus
Mana Plant 1x1 Culture and Mana
or Magic Dust
Mana ---- Mana

or Magic Dust ---- Magic Dust

Gum Tree 1x1 Culture and Even Tree Gum

or Seeds or Mana
or Magic Dust

Even Tree Gum ----- Even Tree Gum or

Seeds ----- Seeds or
Mana ----- Mana or
Magic Dust ----- Magic Dust

Endless Scroll 2x1 Culture and Scrolls Scrolls ----- Spell Fragment ----- Spell Fragment
Moonstone Gate 4x1 Culture and Cosmic bismuth

or Moonstone or Mana
or Supplies

Cosmic bismuth or Moonstone

or Mana or Supplies

Moonstone Library 4x4 Culture and Population

and Scrolls

Spell Fragment ----- Spell Fragment ----- Spell Fragment ----- Combining Catalyst