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=== Event Menu ===
=== Eventmeny ===

Each completed quest will give you Dwarven Chips [[File:Dwarven_Chips.png|30px]] as a reward. They are automatically added to the Event Menu. Dwarven Chips are used to open Cups to receive Game Pieces, which you can trade with Dwarves for precious Triumph Gems [[File:Triumph_Gems.png|30px]]. With these precious Triumph Gems you can unlock amazing Grand Prizes including the fantastic Evolving Building: '''Tower of Unity'''.
Hver gang du fullfører et oppdrag, får du dvergsjetonger [[File:Dwarven_Chips.png|30px]] som belønning. De legges automatisk til i eventmenyen. Dvergsjetonger brukes til å åpne kopper for å få spillbrikker, som du kan bytte med dverger mot dyrebare triumfedelstender. [[File:Triumph_Gems.png|30px]]. Med disse dyrebare triumfedelstenene kan du låse opp fantastiske hovedpremier, inkludert den fantastiske utviklingsbygningen: '''Enhetenes tårn'''.


By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to put the Dwarven Chips you gathered to use:
Ved å klikke på eventmenyikonet får du tilgang til eventvinduet, som gir deg masse informasjon og lar deg bruke dvergsjetongene du har samlet inn:


# Indicates the remaining time for the Event.
# Angir gjenværende tid for eventen.
# Shows you the amount of Dwarven Chips [[File:Dwarven_Chips.png|30px]] you have collected and not yet spent.
# Viser hvor mange dvergsjetonger [[File:Dwarven_Chips.png|30px]] du har samlet og ennå ikke brukt.
# Leagues: Allows you to see your progress through the Leagues (please check the bottom of the page for more information)
# Ligaer: Her kan du se fremgangen din i ligaene (se nederst på siden for mer informasjon).
# Allows you to buy Dwarven Chips using Diamonds.
# Gjør det mulig å kjøpe dvergsjetonger med diamanter.
# If you see that you have reached 5/5 Reroll charges, and you want to change your Daily Prize, just press the Reroll button, confirm your choice, and you will see your Daily Prize change for the day!
# Hvis du ser at du har nådd 5/5 omkast-kostnader, og du ønsker å endre dagspremien din, trykker du bare på omkast-knappen, bekrefter valget ditt, og du vil se at dagspremien din endres for dagen!
# Shows you the Daily Exclusive reward you can get when you trade with the Dwarves. This also shows you how long it will be available for before it is gone.
# Viser den daglige eksklusive belønningen du kan få når du handler med dvergene. Her ser du også hvor lenge den er tilgjengelig før den forsvinner.
# Grand Prizes to be won by collecting 20 Triumph Gems [[File:Triumph_Gems.png|30px]] for each.
# Hovedpremier som kan vinnes ved å samle 20 triumfedelstener [[File:Triumph_Gems.png|30px]]
# The amount of Triumph Gems you have traded with the Dwarves.
# Antall triumfedelstener du har handlet med dvergene.
# Info-Point: Here you can check the several available evolutions of the Game Pieces and what their state of evolution is.
# Info-ounkt: Her kan du sjekke de forskjellige tilgjengelige evolusjonene av spillbrikkene og hvordan de utvikler seg.
# Game board: Where the Game Pieces will appear and where you can merge them.
# Spillbrettet: Hvor spillbrikkene vises og hvor du kan slå dem sammen.
# Trades available at that time, check the cost of trading based on the offer you wish to accept from the Dwarves.
# Handler som er tilgjengelige på det tidspunktet, sjekk kostnadene for handel basert på tilbudet du ønsker å akseptere fra dvergene.
# Your progress in the discovery of the Tower of Unity.
# Din fremgang i oppdagelsen av Solunar Nexus.
# Waste bucket: Drag a piece you want to remove from the game board here. '''Beware!''' This process cannot be undone.
# Avfallsbøtte: Dra en brikke du vil fjerne fra spillebrettet hit. '''Pass på!''' Denne prosessen kan ikke angres.
# Cups: This is where you can spend your Dwarven Chips, each Cup has a specific type of Game Piece.
# Beger: Her kan du bruke dvergsjetongene dine, og hvert beger har en bestemt type spillbrikke.
# Lucky Draw: This magnificent card allows you to place a level 5 or 6 evolved Game Piece on the game board. If luck smiles on you, you can receive 50-100 Dwarven Chips.
# Heldig trekk: Med dette flotte kortet kan du plassere en spillbrikke på nivå 5 eller 6 på spillebrettet. Hvis flaksen smiler til deg, kan du motta 50-100 dvergsjetonger.

You can also click the [[File:helpbtto.png|25px]] button to see the help information on Builders of Harmony event.
Du kan også klikke på knappen [[File:helpbtto.png|25px]] for å se hjelpeinformasjonen om eventen.

===Dwarven Chips===
===Dwarven Chips===

Sideversjonen fra 23. jul. 2024 kl. 12:33


Mainbanner dwarvenmerge.png

Nå som sol- og månedvergenes frodige land er åpent for alle ved hjelp av Solunar Nexus, legger et ekspedisjonsteam bestående av dverger, alver og mennesker ut på en reise gjennom de frodige skogene i dette fortryllede landet, på jakt etter nye og fantastiske underverker å oppdage. Etter hvert som de begir seg dypere inn i landet, snubler gruppen over en mystisk portal og en haug med forvitrede tegninger. Dvergene, som er skarpsynte og omhyggelige, innser raskt at to tredjedeler av de dyrebare tegningene er vasket bort, og at det bare er fragmenter igjen av helheten. De blir motløse helt til alvene innser at hver rase oppfatter en unik del av de gjenværende plantegningene. Dvergene, alvene og menneskene forenes av sin felles oppdagelse, og kommer frem til en inspirerende konklusjon: Bare ved å kombinere de ulike perspektivene sine kan de tyde hemmelighetene bak plantegningene. Gjennom samarbeid begynner de å låse opp veien til å bygge det storslåtte Enhetens tårn, et fyrtårn av harmoni og oppfinnsomhet.

Oppdrag og oppdragsmilepæler

Oppdragsserien består av en historiedel og flere episodiske oppdrag, som starter så snart historien er fullført. Det betyr at du kan fullføre den første serien med oppdrag med en gang, mens de senere oppdragene får nye tillegg hver dag, slik at du kan fortsette å spille ett nytt eventoppdrag på hver nye eventdag.

Å løse eventoppdrag har også flere fordeler, ettersom hvert fullførte oppdrag bringer deg nærmere en av milepælene som gir deg ekstra belønninger bare ved å nå dem.

Dwarvenmerge questprogress24.png


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Hver gang du fullfører et oppdrag, får du dvergsjetonger Dwarven Chips.png som belønning. De legges automatisk til i eventmenyen. Dvergsjetonger brukes til å åpne kopper for å få spillbrikker, som du kan bytte med dverger mot dyrebare triumfedelstender. Triumph Gems.png. Med disse dyrebare triumfedelstenene kan du låse opp fantastiske hovedpremier, inkludert den fantastiske utviklingsbygningen: Enhetenes tårn.

Dwarvenmerge2022 EventButton.png

Ved å klikke på eventmenyikonet får du tilgang til eventvinduet, som gir deg masse informasjon og lar deg bruke dvergsjetongene du har samlet inn:

Dwarvenmerge2024 explain.png
  1. Angir gjenværende tid for eventen.
  2. Viser hvor mange dvergsjetonger Dwarven Chips.png du har samlet og ennå ikke brukt.
  3. Ligaer: Her kan du se fremgangen din i ligaene (se nederst på siden for mer informasjon).
  4. Gjør det mulig å kjøpe dvergsjetonger med diamanter.
  5. Hvis du ser at du har nådd 5/5 omkast-kostnader, og du ønsker å endre dagspremien din, trykker du bare på omkast-knappen, bekrefter valget ditt, og du vil se at dagspremien din endres for dagen!
  6. Viser den daglige eksklusive belønningen du kan få når du handler med dvergene. Her ser du også hvor lenge den er tilgjengelig før den forsvinner.
  7. Hovedpremier som kan vinnes ved å samle 20 triumfedelstener Triumph Gems.png
  8. Antall triumfedelstener du har handlet med dvergene.
  9. Info-ounkt: Her kan du sjekke de forskjellige tilgjengelige evolusjonene av spillbrikkene og hvordan de utvikler seg.
  10. Spillbrettet: Hvor spillbrikkene vises og hvor du kan slå dem sammen.
  11. Handler som er tilgjengelige på det tidspunktet, sjekk kostnadene for handel basert på tilbudet du ønsker å akseptere fra dvergene.
  12. Din fremgang i oppdagelsen av Solunar Nexus.
  13. Avfallsbøtte: Dra en brikke du vil fjerne fra spillebrettet hit. Pass på! Denne prosessen kan ikke angres.
  14. Beger: Her kan du bruke dvergsjetongene dine, og hvert beger har en bestemt type spillbrikke.
  15. Heldig trekk: Med dette flotte kortet kan du plassere en spillbrikke på nivå 5 eller 6 på spillebrettet. Hvis flaksen smiler til deg, kan du motta 50-100 dvergsjetonger.

Du kan også klikke på knappen Helpbtto.png for å se hjelpeinformasjonen om eventen.

Dwarven Chips

Dwarvenmerge2022 tab2.png

You start the Event with 40 Dwarven Chips Dwarven Chips.png and each Event Quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. Additionally, you will receive 20 Dwarven Chips Dwarven Chips.png if you visit your city each day and collect the Daily Event Reward!

Dwarvenmerge2022 daily login.png

Also, from time to time, you will find more Dwarven Chips around your city outskirts for you to collect.

Dwarvenmerge2022 city treasure.png

You can then use the Dwarven Chips to win Game Pieces. Additional Dwarven Chips are unlocked upon reaching the first Quest Milestone.

Remember that the Builders of Harmony event only lasts for a few weeks, and after that you will no longer be able to use your Dwarven Chips to obtain Game Pieces that are stored in the Cups and earn awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

The Trading Game

Cups and Game Pieces

Cups 2024.png

To play a Merge Event, you will need two things: Mergeable Pieces and Cups.

There are three types of Pieces in this event:

  • The Figurines
  • The Tools
  • The Dice

Each type of Piece has six levels. You can find all the levels of each piece on the image below: 

Game pieces 23.png

The Cups will give you the Game Pieces to play this event. Each Cup can only give a Game Piece of its type. You can activate a Cup using your Dwarven Chips, but the reward of the Cup is randomly chosen by the game. You can see in the table bellow the odds of each piece for each Cup: 

Cup of Figurines Cup of Tools Cup of Dice
Dwarvenmerge2023 Cup Figurines.png
Dwarvenmerge2023 Cup Tools.png
Dwarvenmerge2023 Cup Dice.png
Please note: You can see that each Cup can only give you a Game Piece up to Level Five.

Merging Process

Dwarvenmerge23 tab1.png

The format of this Event is to Merge the Game Pieces. To obtain the rewards from the Dwarven Traders, you have to offer them the correct Game Pieces.

But when you activate a Cup, you will receive a Game Piece of the Cup type, but not necessarily the level that you want. It's now that the Merging can take place!

To merge two Pieces together, you have to click on the First Piece and drag it onto the Second Piece. And that's all! The merge will be done and a new evolved Game Piece will appear!

There are some rules to follow: 

First rule: You can only merge together two game pieces of the same type and the same level. Which means that, you can't merge a Dice level 1 and a Tool level 1. But you can merge two Figurines level 2. 

The result of two Game Pieces merged together will always be a single Game Piece, but one which has evolved to the next level up from that of the initially separated pieces.

Example: you need to produce a Dice level 5? You need to merge two Dice level 4.

Second rule: The merging is irreversible. If you don't need the merged Piece, you can discard it or keep it until you need it.

Third rule: By merging two Pieces, you will always get a higher level. You can never obtain a lower level.

The Trading Process

Dwarvenmerge23 tab3.png

On the right section of the Game Table, you will find three orders from the Dwarven Traders. Similar to the Chests of our previous events.

To complete each trade offer, you need to produce the required Game Pieces in the Game Table. You can have a maximum amount of 3 offers at the same time and each offer will ask you for one Piece of each type but with different levels. The more difficult the offer is, the better the rewards.

If you don't want to fulfil an offer, you can decide to skip it. But be aware that you will have to wait 30 minutes to receive a new offer or use diamonds instead.

Offers august 22 steps.jpg
In the first and the second offer, you can see that the player has in his Game table, one Game Piece for the first offer and two for the second because the squares are green. 

If you look at the top corner of these two offers, you can also see a red box to allow the player to skip the offer.

If you hover over the offer with your mouse, you can see the available rewards, and the chances of receiving these. As with the Chests of our previous event, you can only win one of the listed rewards. It all depends on your luck!

In the third offer, you can see that the player has all the Game Pieces. In this situation, the player can no longer skip the offer.  Please note: If you don't want to fulfil this offer, you can just delete or merge one of the pieces asked by the offer.

In all offers, you can also see how many Triumph Gems Triumph Gems.png the offer will grant you.

When you accept an offer, the Game Pieces will be taken from your Game board, the Rewards of the offer will be granted, and the Triumph Gems Triumph Gems.png obtained will help you to progress in the Grand Prizes Lane and the League. Please see our dedicated section below.

The Lucky Draws

Dwarvenmerge2022 Lucky Draw.png

The Lucky Draw is your Joker for this Event! As a reward of a Dwarven Trader offer, you can win "Lucky Draws". This is a special item that will grant you a reward randomly chosen by the game. You can win higher level Game Pieces or Dwarven Chips.


Evolving Buildings

A new Evolving Building is available in Builders of Harmony event: Tower of Unity. It can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power. If you want more information about Evolving Buildings, please see our dedicated page.

Evo building dwarvenmerge.png

Tower of Unity

Tower of Unity is the result of a community choice: it provides Culture and Population as a base bonus, plus switchable production depending on Chapter/level (e.g. barrack heavy melee, standard goods, combining catalysts).

Royal Prize Pass

The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.

Prizepass dwarvenmerge2024.png

For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!

In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked.

Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity instants, Artifacts, and so on. The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes.

The Royal Prize Lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time during the Event! Previously unlocked Royal Grand Prizes will also be available at any point, should you decide to purchase the Royal Prize Pass. For this event, the exclusive buildings that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize Pass is the Linked Ramparts and if you progress enough you'll be rewarded with the new expiring building, Die of Fortune. 

Merge2024 GP.png

Grand Prizes and Daily Prizes

Each day, you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive Prize but, the real goal of this Event is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes.

Merge2024 artifact.png

Grand Prizes include the Tower of Unity Artifact, which allows you to evolve your Tower of Unity building to the next level.  See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process. But that's not all, as there are more awesome prizes, including Sip of Clarity, Pet Food and more rewards!

Merge2024 rewardpanel.png

And that's not all! If you progress enough in the game you can get a new Portrait that cannot be found anywhere else in the game, reaching 280 Triumph Gems in the Grand Prizes lane:

Portrait evt merge dwarvengame xxiv f1.png


In this event, you will have the chance to participate in Leagues and win even more fantastic prizes! Triumph Gems Triumph Gems.png will not only allow you to collect Grand Prizes but also to progress up through the Leagues.

Leaguewindow merge2024.png

There are five different Leagues: Hobby, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold League. Each League is limited to a number of players with the required amount of points for that League. If a league is already full, you will move to the next League down but remember, the positions on the Leagues are recalculated every hour so do not give up hope and keep gathering Triumph Gems Triumph Gems.png to be able to progress in the Leagues!

  • Hobby - All Players
  • Iron - Top 50%
  • Bronze - Top 20%
  • Silver - Top 5%
  • Gold - Top 1%

For the Hobby League you only need to start playing the event, as for the rest of the Leagues you need to gather Triumph Gems Triumph Gems.png in order to progress to a higher League. 

Each League has a minimum number of points that need to be reached. The League requirements are based on the progress of all players playing the event and are recalculated every hour, so you might notice some changes in the required points to achieve the next League.

If you hover your mouse over the Leagues icon in the event window, you will be able to see what your rank is and how much further you have to go until you reach the next League.

Leagues tooltip GP2022.png


Leagues Prizes

In Leagues there are even more fantastic prizes to be won such as Expiring Buildings, Knowledge Points, Royal Restoration, Artifacts and even an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!

Portrait evt merge dwarvengame xxiv m1.png

Each league has a set of awesome rewards, the higher the league the better the rewards! In order to receive the rewards of the league you desire, you must be in the top ranking of that League. At the end of the event you will see a reward window that displays your League position and the prizes you have won.

Leagues reward window.png

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Mainbanner dwarvenmerge2022.png

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Mainbanner dwarvenmerge2023.png

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Mainbanner dwarvenmerge.png

Byggmestere av harmoni

Klikk på eventbannerne for å få mer informasjon om dem.