Føniksens velsignelse: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner

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(Ny side: ===Føniksens velsignelse=== 800px|center Hvert år samles Nomadefolket i Rol og Kulten av den hvite flamme for å feire Føniksens tilbakekomst. I år er det sjuårsjubileum, og spenningen er på topp! Mens de venter på fuglenes ankomst, oppdager Aapo mystiske steiner i nærheten av Evighetens spir. Noen kultister sier at det er en Føniks som venter på å bli avslørt i disse krystallene. Kan det være sant? Bli med og oppdag hemmelighetene,…)
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Linje 1: Linje 1:
===Føniksens velsignelse===
===Blessing of the Phoenix===


Hvert år samles Nomadefolket i Rol og Kulten av den hvite flamme for å feire Føniksens tilbakekomst. I år er det sjuårsjubileum, og spenningen er på topp! Mens de venter på fuglenes ankomst, oppdager Aapo mystiske steiner i nærheten av Evighetens spir. Noen kultister sier at det er en Føniks som venter på å bli avslørt i disse krystallene. Kan det være sant? Bli med og oppdag hemmelighetene, og bli en del av noe større!
In the heart of the desert, under the scorching sun, the Folk of Zaharim prepare for their most cherished event - the Blossoming of the Verdant Phoenix.
As the day approaches, a young Zaharim herbalist stumbles upon a curious, vibrant green cactus unlike any other. She notices its peculiar, pulsating glow and feels an unexplainable energy emanating from it. Word spreads quickly through the Zaharim camp, igniting a mix of excitement and apprehension.
The night before the Blossoming, the entire Folk of Zaharim gather around the mysterious cactus, which now stands tall and radiant under the starlit sky. As they watch in awe, the cactus begins to transform, revealing the magnificent Verdant Phoenix, its feathers a tapestry of lush greens and vibrant hues.
However, the appearance of the Phoenix is just the beginning. The Zaharim soon discover that wherever the Phoenix flies, it leaves a trail of lush, blooming flora in the barren sands, turning parts of the desert into temporary oases. But with this sudden burst of life comes a challenge – the oases attract various desert creatures, some friendly, others not so much.
As the Folk of Zaharim navigate this new bounty, they must balance their excitement with caution. Will they harness the blessings of the Verdant Phoenix to thrive, or will the sudden abundance prove too overwhelming for their desert haven? Join the event to find out and be part of the unfolding story of the Zaharim and the majestic Verdant Phoenix.


===Oppdrag og oppdragsmilepæler===
===Quests & Quest Milestones===

Oppdragslinjen består av en historiedel og flere episodiske oppdrag som starter så snart historien er fullført. Det betyr at du kan fullføre den første serien med oppdrag med en gang, mens de senere oppdragene får nye tillegg hver dag. På denne måten kan du fortsette å spille ett ekstra eventoppdrag på hver nye eventdag.
The Quest Line consists of a Story Section and additional Episodic Quests, which start as soon as the story is completed. This means that you will be able to finish the first series of quests right away, while later quests have new additions released on a daily basis. This will allow you to continue to play one additional Event Quest on each new Event Day.

Du får også flere fordeler ved å løse eventoppdrag, ettersom hvert fullført oppdrag bringer deg nærmere en av milepælene, som gir deg ekstra belønninger bare ved å nå dem.
Solving event quests also come with additional benefits, as each completed quest brings you closer to reaching one of the Milestones, which give you additional rewards simply for reaching them.


===Event Menu===
Hvert oppdrag gir deg himmelessens[[File:Evo19_Essence.png|30px]] som belønning, som deretter legges til i eventvinduet ditt. Med himmelessens kan du åpne ulike kister for å vinne unike og dyrebare premier. Kistene inneholder også fjær [[File:Evo19_feather.png|30px]] som du kan bruke til å låse opp flotte hovedpremier!
Each quest will give you Sky Essence[[File:Evo19_Essence.png|30px]] as a reward which are then added to your Event Window. With Sky Essence, you can open different Chests to win Unique and Precious Prizes. The Chests also contain Feathers [[File:Evo19_feather.png|30px]] to unlock Mighty Grand Prizes!


Ved å klikke på ikonet for eventmenyen får du tilgang til eventvinduet, som gir deg mye informasjon og lar deg bruke himmelessensen du har samlet inn:
By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to put the Sky Essence you gathered to use:


# Angir gjenværende tid for eventen.
# Indicates the remaining time for the Event.
# Viser hvor mye himmelessens [[File:Evo19_Essence.png|30px]] du har samlet og ennå ikke brukt.
# Shows you the amount of Sky Essence [[File:Evo19_Essence.png|30px]] you have collected and not yet spent.
# Lar deg kjøpe himmelessens med premiumvaluta.
# Allows you to buy Sky Essence with Premium Currency.
# Ligaer: Her kan du se fremgangen din i ligaene (se nederst på siden for mer informasjon).
# Leagues: Allows you to see your progress through the Leagues (please check the bottom of the page for more information)
# Her kan du se hvor mange fjær du har samlet og hvor langt du har kommet i arbeidet med å låse opp hovedpremiene.
# Here you can see how many Feathers you have collected and your progress to unlock the Grand Prizes. 
# Fønikskylling: Etter hvert som du samler fjær, begynner den søte fønikskyllingen å gå over scenen og følge fjærene over seg til hovedpremien.
# Phoenix Chick: As you collect Feathers, the cute Phoenix Chick begins to walk across the scene following the Feathers above them to the Grand Prize. 
# Viser den daglige eksklusive belønningen du kan få ved å åpne kistene, og hvor lenge den er tilgjengelig før den forsvinner.
# Shows you the Daily Exclusive Reward you can get from opening the Chests and for how long it will be available before it is gone.
# Føniks-kister der du kan bruke himmelessensen din for å vinne en belønning og få fjær [[Fil:Evo19_feather.png|30px]]. Viser hvor mye himmelessens som kreves for å åpne en kiste, og hvor mange fjær du får med hver kiste.
# Phoenix Chests where you can spend your Sky Essence to win a Reward and obtain Feathers [[File:Evo19_feather.png|30px]]. Shows how much Sky Essence is required to open a Chest, and how many Feathers you receive with each Chest.
# Hovedpremier kan vinnes ved å samle 20 fjær til hver.
# Grand Prizes to be won by collecting 20 Feathers for each.
# Når du ser at du har nådd 5/5 omkast-kostnader, og du vil endre din daglige premie, trykker du bare på omkast-knappen, bekrefter valget ditt, og du vil se din daglige premie endres for dagen!
# As you see that you have reached 5/5 Reroll charges, and you want to change your Daily Prize, just press the Reroll Button, confirm your choice, and you will see your Daily Prize change for the day!

Du kan også klikke på knappen [[File:Helpbtto.png]] for å se hjelpeinformasjonen om eventen.
You can also click the [[File:Helpbtto.png]] button to see the help information on the Event.

===Himmelsk essens===
===Sky Essence===
Du starter eventen med 50 himmelessenser [[File:Evo19_Essence.png|30px]], og hvert eventoppdrag gir deg mer som belønning for å fullføre oppgavene. I tillegg får du 35 himmelessenser [[File:Evo19_Essence.png|30px]] hvis du besøker byen din hver dag og samler inn den daglige eventbelønningen!
You start the Event with 50 Sky Essence [[File:Evo19_Essence.png|30px]] and each Event Quest will give you more as a Reward for completing the given tasks. Additionally, you will receive 35 Sky Essence [[File:Evo19_Essence.png|30px]] if you visit your city each day and collect the Daily Event Reward!


Fra tid til annen vil du også finne mer himmelessens rundt om i byen din som du kan samle inn.
Also, from time to time, you will find more Sky Essence around your City for you to collect.


Deretter kan du bruke himmelessensen til å åpne en av kistene som, avhengig av hvor heldig du er, kan gi deg mer himmelessens.
You can then use the Sky Essence to open one of the Chests which, depending on your luck, may also give you more Sky Essence.

Husk at denne eventen bare varer i noen uker, og at du deretter ikke lenger kan bruke himmelessensen til å få fantastiske belønninger, så ikke kast bort tiden!
Remember that this Event only lasts for a few weeks, after which you will no longer be able to use your Sky Essence to get awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

====Roterende kister====
====Rotating Chests====
Det er 3 kister å velge mellom! Hver av dem gir deg sjansen til å vinne den daglige eksklusive belønningen. Andre belønninger du kan vinne er: eldgammel kunnskap, myntregn, forsyningsoverskudd, portalprofitt, formler og enda mer himmelessens. Alt avhenger av hvor heldig du er!  
There are 3 Chests to choose from! Each one gives you a chance to win the Daily Exclusive Reward. Other Rewards up for grabs are: Ancient Knowledge Instants, Coin Rains, Supply Windfalls, Portal Profit Instants, Enchantments and even more Sky Essence. It all depends on how lucky you are! 
Ved å åpne kistene får du også fjær. Husk at hver kiste gir forskjellig antall fjær for himmelessensen din, så velg med omhu!
By opening the Chests you will also get Feathers. Remember, each Chest will offer a different number of Feathers for your Sky Essence, so choose carefully!

Når du har valgt en kiste, roterer de og gir deg et nytt sett med kister.
Once you have chosen a Chest, they will rotate and present you with a new set of Chests.
[[File:Evo19_chests.png|Sample Chests|center]]
[[File:easter24_rotatingchests.png|Sample Chests|center]]

====Innsamling av fjær====
====Collecting Feathers====
Når du åpner en kiste, vinner du et antall fjær [[File:Evo19_feather.png|30px]]. Hver kiste gir deg umiddelbart et bestemt antall fjær som er angitt øverst til venstre i boksen.
When you open a Chest, you will win a number of Feathers [[File:Evo19_feather.png|30px]]. Each Chest will immediately give you a specific amount indicated on the top left of the box.
Når du samler fjærene, kan du låse opp hovedpremiene! Hver hovedpremie krever 20 fjær for å bli låst opp. Når du har samlet inn hovedpremien, kan du begynne å samle fjær til den neste.
Collecting the Feathers allows you to unlock the Grand Prizes! Each Grand Prize requires 20 Feathers to unlock it. Once you have collected your Grand Prize, you can begin to collect Feathers for the next one.


Når du har samlet inn hovedpremiene, finner du dem i lagerbeholdningen din.[[File:Inventory_icon_normal.png|50px]].
After collecting the Grand Prizes, you will find them in your Inventory[[File:Inventory_icon_normal.png|50px]].
{|align="center" cellpadding="1" width="100%"
{|align="center" cellpadding="1" width="100%"
|style="background-color:#af895f;|'''Vær oppmerksom på:''' Alle bygningsverdier og -effekter avhenger av hvilket kapittel du befinner deg i når du legger til bygningene i beholdningen..'''
|style="background-color:#af895f;|'''Please note:''' All building values and effects depend on the Chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.'''

====Phoenix Chick====

Når du åpner en kiste og legger til fjær i vimpelen, vil den søte fugl Føniks-kyllingen begynne å bevege seg mot målet om hovedpremien. Dette gir deg en god pekepinn på hvor mange fjær du trenger før du får neste hovedpremie.
When you open a Chest, and add Feathers to the Bunting, the cute Phoenix Chick will begin to move towards your goal of the Grand Prize. This gives you a good indication how many feathers are still needed until you get the next Grand Prize. 

====Evolving Building====
I denne eventen kan du vinne et spennende nytt '''utviklingsbygg''', Frodig føniks. Dette kraftige føniksdyret kan utvikles gjennom 10 stadier for å øke styrken sin.
In this Event, you can win an exciting new '''Evolving Building''', the Verdant Phoenix. This powerful Phoenix pet can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.

{| style="text-align: center" 
{| style="text-align: center" 
|[[File:Evt_Easter_2024__Evo_4x4_L10_0006.png|300px|Frodig føniks]]
|[[File:Evt_Easter_2024__Evo_4x4_L10_0006.png|300px|Verdant Phoenix]]

Frodig føniks gir befolkning, kultur og produserer grunnleggende bevisst vare med økning +2 som standardfordel. Ved å utvikle din grønne føniks vil den gi deg større mengder av disse ressursene og legge til ekstra bonuser, for eksempel relikvier av basisvarer og kunnskapspoeng. Føniksen kan også mates med kjæledyrfôr som gir deg følgende fôringseffekt: Rabatt på Spirets forhandlingskostnader! Jo mer utviklet føniksen din er, desto høyere blir rabatten, så sørg for at den alltid får mat!
The Verdant Phoenix provides Population, Culture, and Mana or Ranger or Unurium or Knowledge Points. By evolving your Verdant Phoenix, it will provide larger quantities of these resources and add additional bonuses.This Phoenix can also be fed with Pet Food granting you the following Feeding Effect: Bonus Petals per Daily Chest!  

Linje 153: Linje 161:
Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.
Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.


Linje 191: Linje 199:
In this event you can temporarily exchange 3 Verdant Phoenix Artifacts for 1 Tome of the Phoenix through Crafting. This way you can choose which of the Phoenixes you want to evolve!
In this event you can temporarily exchange 3 Verdant Phoenix Artifacts for 1 Tome of the Phoenix through Crafting. This way you can choose which of the Phoenixes you want to evolve!


Sideversjonen fra 25. feb. 2024 kl. 16:40

Blessing of the Phoenix

Mainbanner easter24.png

In the heart of the desert, under the scorching sun, the Folk of Zaharim prepare for their most cherished event - the Blossoming of the Verdant Phoenix.

As the day approaches, a young Zaharim herbalist stumbles upon a curious, vibrant green cactus unlike any other. She notices its peculiar, pulsating glow and feels an unexplainable energy emanating from it. Word spreads quickly through the Zaharim camp, igniting a mix of excitement and apprehension.

The night before the Blossoming, the entire Folk of Zaharim gather around the mysterious cactus, which now stands tall and radiant under the starlit sky. As they watch in awe, the cactus begins to transform, revealing the magnificent Verdant Phoenix, its feathers a tapestry of lush greens and vibrant hues.

However, the appearance of the Phoenix is just the beginning. The Zaharim soon discover that wherever the Phoenix flies, it leaves a trail of lush, blooming flora in the barren sands, turning parts of the desert into temporary oases. But with this sudden burst of life comes a challenge – the oases attract various desert creatures, some friendly, others not so much.

As the Folk of Zaharim navigate this new bounty, they must balance their excitement with caution. Will they harness the blessings of the Verdant Phoenix to thrive, or will the sudden abundance prove too overwhelming for their desert haven? Join the event to find out and be part of the unfolding story of the Zaharim and the majestic Verdant Phoenix.

Quests & Quest Milestones

The Quest Line consists of a Story Section and additional Episodic Quests, which start as soon as the story is completed. This means that you will be able to finish the first series of quests right away, while later quests have new additions released on a daily basis. This will allow you to continue to play one additional Event Quest on each new Event Day.

Solving event quests also come with additional benefits, as each completed quest brings you closer to reaching one of the Milestones, which give you additional rewards simply for reaching them.

Easter2024 quest progress.png

Event Menu

Easter2023 tab0.png

Each quest will give you Sky EssenceEvo19 Essence.png as a reward which are then added to your Event Window. With Sky Essence, you can open different Chests to win Unique and Precious Prizes. The Chests also contain Feathers Evo19 feather.png to unlock Mighty Grand Prizes!

Evo20 Easter.png

By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to put the Sky Essence you gathered to use:

Easter24 explaing.png
  1. Indicates the remaining time for the Event.
  2. Shows you the amount of Sky Essence Evo19 Essence.png you have collected and not yet spent.
  3. Allows you to buy Sky Essence with Premium Currency.
  4. Leagues: Allows you to see your progress through the Leagues (please check the bottom of the page for more information)
  5. Here you can see how many Feathers you have collected and your progress to unlock the Grand Prizes. 
  6. Phoenix Chick: As you collect Feathers, the cute Phoenix Chick begins to walk across the scene following the Feathers above them to the Grand Prize. 
  7. Shows you the Daily Exclusive Reward you can get from opening the Chests and for how long it will be available before it is gone.
  8. Phoenix Chests where you can spend your Sky Essence to win a Reward and obtain Feathers Evo19 feather.png. Shows how much Sky Essence is required to open a Chest, and how many Feathers you receive with each Chest.
  9. Grand Prizes to be won by collecting 20 Feathers for each.
  10. As you see that you have reached 5/5 Reroll charges, and you want to change your Daily Prize, just press the Reroll Button, confirm your choice, and you will see your Daily Prize change for the day!

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the Event.

Sky Essence

Gathering Essence.png

You start the Event with 50 Sky Essence Evo19 Essence.png and each Event Quest will give you more as a Reward for completing the given tasks. Additionally, you will receive 35 Sky Essence Evo19 Essence.png if you visit your city each day and collect the Daily Event Reward!

Easter2022 daily login.png


Also, from time to time, you will find more Sky Essence around your City for you to collect.

Sky instruction.png

You can then use the Sky Essence to open one of the Chests which, depending on your luck, may also give you more Sky Essence.

Remember that this Event only lasts for a few weeks, after which you will no longer be able to use your Sky Essence to get awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

Rotating Chests

Easter2022 tab2.png

There are 3 Chests to choose from! Each one gives you a chance to win the Daily Exclusive Reward. Other Rewards up for grabs are: Ancient Knowledge Instants, Coin Rains, Supply Windfalls, Portal Profit Instants, Enchantments and even more Sky Essence. It all depends on how lucky you are!  By opening the Chests you will also get Feathers. Remember, each Chest will offer a different number of Feathers for your Sky Essence, so choose carefully!

Once you have chosen a Chest, they will rotate and present you with a new set of Chests.

Sample Chests

Collecting Feathers

Gathering feather banner.png

When you open a Chest, you will win a number of Feathers Evo19 feather.png. Each Chest will immediately give you a specific amount indicated on the top left of the box.   Collecting the Feathers allows you to unlock the Grand Prizes! Each Grand Prize requires 20 Feathers to unlock it. Once you have collected your Grand Prize, you can begin to collect Feathers for the next one.

Eventprogression easter2024.png

After collecting the Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png.

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the Chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Phoenix Chick

Evo19 chick.png

When you open a Chest, and add Feathers to the Bunting, the cute Phoenix Chick will begin to move towards your goal of the Grand Prize. This gives you a good indication how many feathers are still needed until you get the next Grand Prize. 


Evolving Building

Evo buildings easter2024.png

In this Event, you can win an exciting new Evolving Building, the Verdant Phoenix. This powerful Phoenix pet can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power.

Verdant Phoenix

The Verdant Phoenix provides Population, Culture, and Mana or Ranger or Unurium or Knowledge Points. By evolving your Verdant Phoenix, it will provide larger quantities of these resources and add additional bonuses.This Phoenix can also be fed with Pet Food granting you the following Feeding Effect: Bonus Petals per Daily Chest!

For more information on Evolving Buildings and Feeding Effects go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Royal Prize Pass

The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.

Prizepass new RoP 24.png

For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!

In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked. Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity instants, Artifacts, and so on.

The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes. The Royal Prize lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time in the event! For this event, the exclusive building that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize pass is the Garden of Tales and Thorns!

Evt 2024 Theater Easter RP 4x6 0006.png

It is also in the Royal Prizes Lane that you can collect one of the Exclusive Portraits of this Event.

Portrait evt theater easter xxiv m1.png
You can collect it when you reach the 260 Phoenix Feathers Milestone on the Royal Prizes Lane

Grand Prizes

Each day you will have the chance to win a Daily Exclusive prize but the main goal is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes. 

Ui icon instantitem evo theater easter xxiv.png

This time, Grand Prizes include the essential Verdant Phoenix Artifact that evolves the Verdant Phoenix to the next level. See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.

It is also in the Grand Prizes Lane that you can collect one of the Exclusive Portraits of this Event.

Portrait evt theater easter xxiv f2.png
You can collect it when you reach the 280 Phoenix Feathers Milestone on the Grand Prizes Lane

Daily Prizes

As with past events, this Phoenix Event brings you Wonderful and Unique Buildings. This year you will not only have the opportunity to collect old familiar buildings, but also a brand new building: Eggnook

Evt 2024 Theater Easter Daily 3x5 0006.png

But that's not all as there are more awesome prizes! These include Knowledge Points, Ancient Knowledge, Coin Rains, Units, all kinds of Instants, Rune Shards, Goods and much, much more!

Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.

Easter24 rewardpanel.png

Expiring Buildings

Like last year, this event brings us a new Expiring Building - Signum Mentis.

Evt March 2023 Easter Daily 2x3.png

This wonderful building (besides providing precious Culture for your City!) allows you to increase your Training Capacity. You can collect it in the Royal Prizes Lane by reaching the 220 Feathers Milestone.

But there is still more! Do you remember this Expiring Building?

Trading Outpost


Well, this year you will be able to collect it once again, if you are bold enough and manage to stay in the Gold League in this Event!

Like previous Events, when you reach the last Milestone Reward, you will receive an Expiring Building - The Goddess of Wishes which grants you a random reward every 12 hours.

GodessofWishes 2x2.png

If you want to know more about Expiring Buildings, please visit the dedicated page to learn more.

Pet Food

Pet food.png

Pet Food is a Special Enchantment designed specifically to feed your Pet Evolving Buildings. Applied directly to the building from your Enchantments Tab, it activates a Building Boost.

You can win Pet Food when you complete certain Quests in the Event or you can look for the recipe in your Magic Academy Crafting Menu. Make sure to craft it regularly as your Pets will work hard to provide their Boosts once fed!

Pet food crafting.png

Phoenix Artifacts

Were you looking to evolve your existing Phoenixes from the previous Phoenix events?

In this event you can temporarily exchange 3 Verdant Phoenix Artifacts for 1 Tome of the Phoenix through Crafting. This way you can choose which of the Phoenixes you want to evolve!

Phoenix tome2024.png


In this event you will have the chance to participate in Leagues and win even more fantastic prizes! Spending Sky Essence Evo19 Essence.png in the Chests not only allows you to collect Feathers Evo19 feather.png to progress towards the Grand Prizes but also to work your way up through the Leagues.

Leagues Window Easter2023.png

There are five different Leagues you can reach: Hobby, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold League. Each League is limited to a number of players with the required amount of points for that League. If a League is already full, you will move to the next League down but remember, the positions of the Leagues are recalculated every hour so do not give up hope and keep gathering Sky Essence to be able to progress in the Leagues!

  • Hobby - All Players
  • Iron - Top 50%
  • Bronze - Top 20%
  • Silver - Top 5%
  • Gold - Top 1%

For the Hobby League you only need to start playing the event, as for the rest of the Leagues you will need to collect Feathers Evo19 feather.png in order to progress through the Leagues. 

Each League has a minimum amount of points that needs to be reached. The League requirements are based on the progress of all players participating in the event and is recalculated every hour, so you might notice some changes on the required points to achieve the next League.

If you hover your mouse over the Leagues icon in the event window, you will be able to see what your rank is and how much further you have to go until you reach the next League.

Leagues tooltip Easter2022.png

Leagues Prizes

In Leagues there are even more fantastic prizes to be won, such as Expiring Buildings, Knowledge Points, Royal Restorations, Artifacts and even an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!

Portrait evt theater easter xxiv f1.png

Each league has a set of awesome rewards, the higher the League the better the rewards! In order to receive the rewards of the League you desire, you must be in the top ranking of that League.

At the end of the event you will see a reward window that displays your League position and the prizes you have won.

Leagues reward window.png