Høstens stjernetegn 2024

Fra Elvenar Wiki NO'
Sideversjon per 1. sep. 2024 kl. 11:34 av Ithil (diskusjon | bidrag) (Ny side: === Introduction === 680px|center <br> In the tranquil realm of Elvenar, the night sky is set to unveil a spectacle unlike any other. As the stars align, and the celestial gates open, the playful Dreamweaver Glido descends from the heavens. This pink fluffy unicorn, embodying the essence of dreams, brings with him a playful energy and a cascade of floating bubbles, bestowing the sweetest slumbers upon all who encounter them. The devoted Order of Ce…)
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Zodiac24 Mainbanner.png

In the tranquil realm of Elvenar, the night sky is set to unveil a spectacle unlike any other. As the stars align, and the celestial gates open, the playful Dreamweaver Glido descends from the heavens. This pink fluffy unicorn, embodying the essence of dreams, brings with him a playful energy and a cascade of floating bubbles, bestowing the sweetest slumbers upon all who encounter them.

The devoted Order of Celestial Seekers, having awaited this moment for centuries, gather near your city to finally meet Glido. Join them to partake in this celestial celebration. Jump on the bubbles of dreams, rest within the Alcove of Sweet Naps, and share your dream journeys by the Dreamer's Pillar. This is your chance to walk among the dreamscapes and enjoy the profound dreams Glido brings from the stars.

Join us in this joyful event and let the Dreamweaver illuminate your path to the most wondrous dreams and celestial insights.

Gilsal Autum Questgiver.png

Glisal is an ancient centaur that visits the city to pronounce the Ascending of Eldrasil, a magical tree, older than mankind itself and can only be seen during this spherical conjugation.

Oppdrag og oppdragsmilepæler

Som i tidligere eventer består oppdragslinjen av en historiedel og flere episodiske oppdrag, som starter så snart historien er fullført. Dette betyr at du kan fullføre den første serien med oppdrag med en gang, mens senere oppdrag får nye tillegg hver dag, slik at du kan fortsette å spille ett ekstra oppdrag på hver nye begivenhetsdag. Å løse eventoppdrag gir også ekstra fordeler, ettersom hvert fullførte oppdrag bringer deg nærmere en av milepælene, noe som gir deg ekstra belønninger bare for å nå dem.

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Event Menu

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Each completed quest will give you Golden Keys GoldenKeys.png as a reward. These Keys are automatically added to the Event Menu. With the Keys, you can open different Spheres to win unique and precious rewards, including changing Daily Prizes! The Spheres also contain Stardust StarDust.png which you will need to unlock Grand Prizes by completing the Zodiac Signs.


By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to put the Golden Keys you gathered to use:

Zodiac24 explain.png

  1. Indicates the remaining time for the Event.
  2. Shows you the amount of Golden Keys GoldenKeys.png you have collected and not yet spent.
  3. Allows you to buy Golden Keys with Diamonds.
  4. Leagues: allows you to see your progress through the Leagues (please check the bottom of the page for more information)
  5. Zodiac Signs: As you collect Stardust, you will light up the Zodiac Signs and, once the entire Zodiac Sign is lit, the Grand Prize is unlocked. You can tell from the Zodiac Sign how much Stardust is still missing to achieve the reward.
  6. Grand Prizes to be won by collecting 20 Stardust for each. Grand prizes and Royal Prizes need to be collected manually in the Royal Prize Pass.
  7. Your progress towards the Grand Prize
  8. Opens the window of the Grand Prizes and Royal Prize: you can collect the Prizes unlocked and see what will be the next rewards!
  9. Spheres for which you can spend your Golden Keys to win a reward and obtain Stardust StarDust.png. Shows how many Golden Keys are needed and how much Stardust you receive with each Sphere.
  10. Shows you the Daily Exclusive reward you can get from opening the Spheres and for how long it will be available before it is gone.
  11. Reroll Bonus: Every time that you collect 5 Stardust, you can change the Daily Reward.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the Autumn Zodiac.

Golden Keys

Zodiac banner golden keys.png

You start the Autumn Zodiac Event with 50 Golden Keys GoldenKeys.png and each Event Quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. Every day you play during the Event, you will receive a Daily Zodiac login reward of more Golden Keys.

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From time to time, you will find more Golden Keys around your city outskirts for you to collect.

GoldenKeys city collect.png

You can then use the Golden Keys to open one of the Spheres which, depending on your luck, may also give you more Golden Keys. Remember that the Autumn Zodiac Event only lasts for a few weeks, and after that, you will no longer be able to use your Golden Keys to get awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

Galactic Spheres

Rotating Zodiac Spheres banner.png

You will be presented with 9 different Spheres to choose from! Each one gives you a chance to win the Daily Exclusive reward. Other rewards include Ancient Knowledge, Coin Rain, Supply Windfall, Unit Instants, Portal Profit, Rune Shards, and even more Golden Keys. It all depends on which Sphere you choose and how lucky you are!

By opening the Spheres you will also get Stardust. Remember: Each Sphere will offer a different amount of Stardust for your Golden Keys, so choose carefully. Once you have opened a Sphere, the remaining Spheres will rotate and present you with a new selection.

Sample Galactic Spheres

Collecting Stardust

When you unlock a Sphere, you will also win an amount of Stardust StarDust.png. Each Sphere will immediately give you a specific amount indicated in the top left. Collecting the Stardust allows you to complete the Zodiac Sign and unlock Grand Prizes! Each Zodiac Sign requires 20 Stardust to complete.

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After collecting the Daily Exclusive rewards and Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Zodiac Signs

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When you open a Sphere, you add Stardust to the Zodiac Sign, lighting up the stars that form the constellation. The Zodiac Sign shows your progress towards the goal of the Grand Prize. This gives you a good indication of how much Stardust is still needed until you get the next reward. There are several different Zodiac Signs for you to discover, so make sure to collect as much Stardust as possible!


Evolving Buildings

Zodiac24 Evo Banner.png

A new Evolving Pet is available in this Autumn Zodiac Event: Glido The Dreamweaver. It can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power. If you want more information about Evolving Buildings, please see our dedicated page.

Gludo The Dreamweaver

You can collect Glido The Dreamweaver in the first waypoint on Grand Prizes lane, it can be evolved up to 10 stages to add new production options and also provide more of the options already added. This Evolving Building provides powerful resources for your city such as, Culture, Population and Boosted Basic Standard Goods as standard benefit, and when evolved, new benefits will be provided by this building such as Barracks Mage Units, Mana and Knowledge Points depending on Chapter/Evolving Stage.

But that's not all! This powerful Evolving Building has a feeding bonus that when fed with Pet Food, you will receive Basic Goods (depending on Chapter) for each Spire of Eternity Chest. Its Feeding Effect lasts 60 hours from the moment it is fed with Pet Food.

For more information on Evolving Buildings, go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Pet food.png

Kjæledyrmat er en spesiell formel designet for å mate kjæledyrene dine. Se mer info på: utviklingsbygg. Når du bruker den direkte på utviklingsbygningen fra fanen "Formler", aktiverer den ulike kjæledyr-forsterkninger. Se etter oppskriften i Magiakademiet og lag den før kjæledyra dine blir sultne etter det harde arbeidet de har gjort for å gi økningene sine.

Pet food crafting2.png

Kongelig premiepass

Det kongelige premiepasset er en tilleggsfunksjon som kan følge med alle vanlige eventer i Elvenar.

Zodiac24 Prizepass.png

For hvert fullført event-trinn vil du ta et steg mot neste hovedpremie, og en ekstra premie i det kongelige premiepasset! I vinduet med hovedpremier, som er tilgjengelig fra eventskjermen hvis eventen bruker mekanikken, kan du se de kommende eventpremiene som venter på at du skal låse opp.

Her kan du låse opp en av eventens hovedpremier for hvert trinn du tjener ved å samle inn eventvaluta, og blant disse kan du finne ulike formler av høy sjeldenhet, artefakter og så videre. Det kongelige premiepasset legger til kongelige hovedpremier, som du kan samle sammen med de vanlige hovedpremiene. Den kongelige premiebanen blir tilgjengelig når du kjøper det kongelige premiepass, og du kan gjøre det når som helst i eventen! Tidligere ulåste kongelige premier vil også være tilgjengelige når som helst, hvis du bestemmer deg for å kjøpe det kongelige premiepasset. Hvis du kjøper det kongelige premiepasset i denne eventen, får du eksklusive belønninger som ikke er tilgjengelige andre steder i spillet, for eksempel:

Alcove of Sweet Naps

Grand Prizes and Daily Prizes

Each day, you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive Prize but, the real goal of this Event is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes.

Grand Prizes include this years Evolving Building Artifact, which allows you to evolve your Glido The Dreamweaver to the next level. See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.

Zodiac24 Artifact.png

And that's not all! If you progress enough in the game you can get a new Portrait that cannot be found anywhere else in the game!

Portrait evt theater zodiac xxiv f1.png
You can collect it when you reach the 280 Stardust StarDust.png Milestone on the Grand Prizes Lane.

As always there are even more awesome prizes, including Sip of Clarity, Ancient Knowledge, Pet Food, Spectral Stones, Rune Shards and more!

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During this Event, you get the chance to win one new awesome Daily Prize too: Dreamers Pillar. This amazing building provides Population, Culture and Mana.

A Evt Theater Zodiac XXIV Dreamers Pillar1 1.png

Vennligst merk: Alle ressurser avhenger av hvilket kapittel du befinner deg i. Hvis den beskrevne ressursen ikke er tilgjengelig ennå, vil du motta en annen ressurs i stedet.
Vennligst merk: Alle bygninger med ressursproduksjon må ha en gateforbindelse til Hovedsalen.


I denne eventen får du sjansen til å delta i ligaer og vinne enda flere fantastiske premier! Ved å løse oppdrag og komme deg gjennom eventen ved å samle inn eksklusiv eventvaluta, får du ikke bare fantastiske premier, men også muligheten til å avansere i ligaene.

Zodiac24 Leagues Window.png

Det er fem forskjellige ligaer du kan nå ved å gå videre gjennom dette eventet: hobby-, jern-, bronse-, sølv- og gull-ligaen. Hver liga er begrenset til et visst antall spillere med det nødvendige antall poeng for den aktuelle ligaen. Hvis en liga allerede er full, flyttes du til neste liga, men husk at plasseringene i ligaene beregnes på nytt hver time, så ikke gi opp håpet og fortsett å jobbe godt for å komme deg videre!

  • Hobby - Alle spillere
  • Jern - Topp 50%
  • Bronse - Topp 20%
  • Sølv - Topp 5%
  • Gull - Topp 1%

For Hobbyligaen trenger du bare å begynne å spille eventen, mens du for resten av ligaene må fortsette å spille eventen for å komme deg videre i ligaene. Hver liga har et minimum antall poeng som må oppnås. Ligakravene er basert på fremgangen til alle spillerne som deltar i eventen, og de beregnes på nytt hver time, så du vil kanskje merke noen endringer i poengkravene for å nå neste liga. Hvis du holder musepekeren over ligaikonet i eventvinduet, vil du kunne se hvilken rang du har og hvor langt du har igjen før du når neste liga.

Leagues tooltip autumn2021.png


I ligaene er det enda flere fantastiske premier å vinne, for eksempel tidsbegrensede bygninger, kunnskapspoeng, royal restaureringer, artefakter og til og med et eksklusivt portrett som ikke er tilgjengelig noe annet sted i spillet!

Portrait evt theater zodiac xxiv m1.png Portrait evt theater zodiac xxiv f2.png

Hver liga har et sett med fantastiske belønninger, og jo høyere liga, desto bedre belønninger! For å motta belønningene i den ligaen du ønsker, må du være i toppsjiktet i den ligaen. På slutten av evnten vil du se et belønningsvindu som viser ligaplasseringen din og premiene du har vunnet.

Leagues reward window.png

Relaterte eventer

I Elvenar er det alltid en historie bak enhver event, og med eventen kunne det ikke vært noe annerledes. Ta en titt på andre relaterte Zodiac-hendelsessider, slik at du ikke går glipp av et eneste glimt av historien til de engasjerende karakterene!

Relaterte stjernetegn-eventer
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Zodiac2019 banner.png

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Forumann zodicac20.png

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Mainbanner september2021.png

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2022 2023 2024
Mainbanner september2022.png

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Mainbanner september2023.png

Høstens stjernetegn 2023

Zodiac24 Mainbanner.png

Høstens stjernetegn 2024

Klikk på eventbannerne for mer detaljert informasjon om dem.